
中国城市新兴技术的双元创新路径与发生机制——以生物医药技术为例 被引量:4

The Dual Innovation Path and Generation Mechanism of the Emerging Technology of Cities in China:Taking Biomedical Technology as an Example
摘要 以生物医药技术为例,利用专利数据,建立技术共现网络与创新合作网络,分析2000—2018年中国生物医药技术演化特征、双元创新格局及城市间创新联系,利用层次回归模型探究其双元创新发生机制及路径。结果表明,生物医药细分技术间的可达性逐渐提高,2013年以后技术体系化程度显著提高,技术融合呈现出群落特征;城市渐进式创新与突破式创新存在空间正向关联,但两者具有不同发生机制;城市在创新网络中的中心性地位对知识搜索深度和渐进式创新更重要,而其中介性地位对知识搜索宽度和突破式创新更重要;知识搜索深度更利于渐进式创新,而搜索宽度更利于突破式创新;关系强度在渐进式创新过程中起正向调节作用,在突破式创新过程中起负向调节作用;不同类型城市在网络位置、知识搜索、关系强度方面表现出不同演化规律,使城市在创新路径上产生分化。 While innovation is the first driving force for development,it has become the main strategy of China's participation in international division of labor and building sustainable competitive advantages to establish a national innovation system and cultivate innovative cities with Chinese characteristics.The different innovation paths of different cities mainly depend on the innovation behaviors of their internal innovation subjects.Theoretically,the first-mover has the ability to utilize existing resources in mature markets and develop new products in emerging markets at the same time,and can implement synchronic balance mode according to urban assets and external environment.The second-mover is limited by resources,so it is more suitable to adopt the sequential balance mode.However,in practice,there are some differences between the innovative behaviors of the first-mover and second-mover and the current theoretical research.Moreover,with the development of practice and the deepening of related research,scholars'cognitive perspective on dual innovation has gradually expanded from a single organizational subject to complex network members,frequently using network theory to reveal the innovation path and its mechanism,but these studies are quite different.Therefore,it is necessary to further explore the path and mechanism of urban dual innovation in China in the background that innovation is becoming increasingly networked and the mechanism of urban dual innovation lacks uniform standards.Biomedicine,as one of the important industries leading the world economy in the future,has not yet entered the stage of large-scale commercialization,so it is a good case to study the early stage of technology development in emerging industries..In this paper,biomedical technology is taken as the research subject.According to the patent IPC code,the technology co-occurrence network is established,the urban dual innovation index is constructed,the evolution characteristics and innovation pattern of biomedical technology in China are analyzed.Based on the cooperative patent data,this paper establishes the innovation cooperation network and analyzes the evolution characteristics of the innovation network.Using the hierarchical regression model,this paper explores the mechanism of urban dual innovation path and the main innovation path..The results show that the technological accessibility of the biomedical subdivision field has gradually been weakened.Since 2013,the degree of technological systemization has been continuously strengthened,and technological integration has shown community characteristics.The incremental innovation and breakthrough innovation capabilities have a significant positive dependence in space,but each has different mechanisms.Degree centrality is more important for knowledge search depth and incremental innovation,while structural holes are more important for knowledge search breadth and breakthrough innovation.Knowledge search depth is more conducive to incremental innovation,and search width is more conducive to breakthrough innovation.Relationship strength plays a positive role in the process of incremental innovation,and plays a negative role in the process of breakthrough innovation.Different types of cities show different evolutionary characteristics in terms of network location,knowledge search and relationship strength.Therefore,there are obvious differences in the choice of the main path of innovation..This paper analyzes the evolution characteristics of biomedical technology in China and urban technology atlas is helpful for cities to identify basic common technologies and key core technologies of biomedicine,find the opportunity window of"discontinuous technologies"and embed them into the global innovation chain.It explores the pattern and mechanism of urban dual innovation,and draws the panoramic innovation paths of different types of cities to exert their subjective initiative,clarify their own division of labor in the innovation system,and formulate innovative strategies with design,direction and overall situation,so as to realize innovation breakthrough and technology catch-up.The main innovations of this paper are as follows.Methodologically,by constructing the technology co-occurrence network,the evaluation indexes of urban dual innovation capability,such as technology universality,technology relevance,technology exploration and technology integration,are further enriched,which provides a quantitative method for the follow-up study of urban dual innovation mechanism.Theoretically,it is different from the analysis of the dual innovation path of sequential balance model and synchronic balance model in previous studies,but it analyzes the preference of different types of cities for the primary and secondary paths of dual innovation in different development periods from three angles of city network location,knowledge search level and node connection intensity.
作者 汪涛 王璐玮 张晗 Wang Tao;Wang Luwei;Zhang Han(School of Geographical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期29-39,共11页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目(2020SJZDA135) 南京市软科学基金项目(201901012)。
关键词 新兴技术 渐进式创新 突破式创新 网络位置 知识搜索 关系强度 Emerging Technologies Incremental Innovation Breakthrough Innovation Network Position Knowledge Search Relationship Strength
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