
临床医务人员下肢静脉曲张防护现状调查分析及对策 被引量:1

Investigation and analysis of the current situation of lower extremity varicose vein protection in clinical medical staff and relevant countermeasure
摘要 目的了解临床医务人员下肢静脉曲张的防护现状,为制订相关方案提供依据。方法采用便利抽样法于2021年9月至2021年11月对四川大学华西医院887名临床医务人员进行问卷调查,问卷调查内容包括一般资料、下肢静脉曲张的发生情况、下肢静脉曲张防护现状及下肢静脉曲张相关防护知识培训情况。结果共发放问卷887份,回收有效问卷859份,临床医务人员下肢静脉曲张的发生率为34.9%,临床分级C1级和C2级患者分别占56.0%和24.0%。临床医务人员会采取不同的措施预防或治疗下肢静脉曲张,但大部分医务人员未正确和坚持使用弹力袜,仅4.2%的医务人员穿戴弹力袜时机正确,8.1%的医务人员每日穿戴弹力袜时间超过8 h,弹力袜压力级别选择以一级和二级为主。193名(22.5%)临床医务人员接受过下肢静脉曲张相关知识培训,临床医务人员获取下肢静脉曲张相关知识的主要渠道为医院或科室,对相关知识培训需求高。结论临床医务人员下肢静脉曲张的发生率高,知识缺乏及防护意识薄弱等原因导致防护措施落实不到位,亟待加强临床医务人员下肢静脉曲张的相关防护知识培训,提升防护水平。 Objective To understand the protection status of lower extremity varicose vein protection among clinical medical staff,and provide evidence for formulating relevant programs.Method The convenience sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey among 887 clinical medical staff in West China Hospital,Sichuan University from September 2021 to November 2021.The contents of the questionnaire included general information,the occurrence of varicose vein of the lower extremity,the protection status of varicose vein of the lower extremity,and the training of varicose vein of the lower extremity knowledge.Result A total of 887 questionnaires were distributed,and 859 valid samples were collected.The incidence of lower extremity varicose vein in clinical medical staff was 34.9%,and the clinical grade C1 and C2 was 56.0%and 24.0%,respectively.The clinical medical staff would take different measures to prevent or treat varicose vein of lower extremity.Only 4.2%of the medical staff wore stretch socks at the accurate time,8.1%of the medical staff wore stretch socks over 8 hours a day.The compression level selection of elastic stockings was based on first and second.A total of 193 people(22.5%)received training on varicose veins of lower extremity,mainly from hospitals or departments,and medical staff had a high demand for training on related knowledge.Conclusion The incidence of varicose vein in the lower extremity of clinical medical staff is high.The lack of disease knowledge and protection awareness contributes to the inadequate implementation of protective measures.Therefore,there is an unmet and urgent need to strengthen the training of relevant protection knowledge of varicose vein in lower extremity among clinical medical staff and improve their protection level.
作者 周方竹 胡紫宜 周倩 苟菊香 蔡明 吴洲鹏 赵纪春 Zhou Fangzhu;Hu Ziyi;Zhou Qian;Gou Juxiang;Cai Ming;Wu Zhoupeng;Zhao Jichun(Department of Thyroid Surgery,West China Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan,China;Department of Vascular Surgery,West China Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《血管与腔内血管外科杂志》 2022年第1期118-122,128,共6页 Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
关键词 医务人员 下肢 静脉曲张 防护措施 应用现状 medical staff lower extremity varicose vein protective measure application status
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