
SIMPLE算法的一种改进格式 被引量:3

An improved format for SIMPLE algorithm
摘要 在连续性方程中人为加入压力的时间导数项,将人工可压缩方法与压力泊松方程相结合起来,有效抑制了由于守恒变量和非守恒变量转换引起的密度波动;运用改进的非线性动量插值格式对网格界面处的速度进行离散,消除了交错网格下棋盘式的压力波动,减小了网格界面处的数值耗散限。为验证该方法的通用性,依次对方腔自然对流、顶盖驱动流和后向阶梯流进行了数值分析,证实该算法在收敛速度、稳定性方面均有较大提升。 In this paper, the artificial time derivative of pressure is added into the continuity equation, and the artificial compressibility method is combined with the pressure Poisson equation,which effectively restrains the density oscillation caused by the transformation of conservation variables and primitive variables. The improved nonlinear momentum interpolation scheme is used to discrete the velocity at the grid interface, which eliminates the pressure oscillation in the staggered grid and reduces the numerical dissipation limit at the grid interface. In order to verify the generality of this method, numerical analysis is carried out for natural convection in square cavity, case-drive flow cavity and backward step flow successively. It proves that the convergence rate and stability of this algorithm are improved greatly.
作者 秦剑 潘华辰 田晓庆 RAHMAN M M QIN Jian;PAN Huachen;TIAN Xiaoqing;RAHMAN M M(School of Mechanical Engineering,Hangzhou Dianzi University,310018,Hangzhou,China)
出处 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期2398-2404,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金(51709070) 浙江省重点研发计划项目(2018C04002) 浙江省属高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(GK199900299012-026)。
关键词 SIMPLE算法 人工压缩方法 方腔自然对流 顶盖驱动流 后向阶梯流 SIMPLE algorithm artificial compressibility algorithm natural convection in square cavity case-driven cavity back-forward step flow
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