
中国共产党土地制度百年演变:影响历史进程的十大标志性事件 被引量:6

Centennial Evolution of Land Institutions of the Communist Party of China:Ten Landmark Events Affecting the Historical Process
摘要 研究目的:系统梳理总结中国共产党土地制度百年演变中影响历史进程的十大标志性事件,深入剖析标志性事件的重大成就和历史经验,以史为鉴,开创未来。研究方法:文献研究法和比较分析法。研究结果:界定了影响土地制度历史进程标志性事件的内涵特征,构建了基于“重大性—变革性—积极性”的标志性事件识别路径,识别提炼了“一大党纲”“土地革命”“土地改革”“人民公社六十条”“家庭联产承包责任制”“城乡地政统一管理”“城镇土地使用制度改革”“土地基本国策法制化”“物权立法”“自然资源统一管理”十大标志性事件。研究结论:十大标志性事件源自中国共产党团结带领人民进行长期革命、建设、改革的历史实践,彰显了中国共产党百年土地制度建设所取得的重大成就,归结于坚持人民至上、坚持理论创新、坚持中国道路、坚持开拓创新的历史经验,体现了百年土地制度变革始终坚持不断自我革新的动态演化逻辑,坚定了坚持中国特色社会主义土地制度的历史自信,并为未来改革中不断丰富和发展中国特色社会主义土地制度提供参考。 The purpose of this study is to systematically sort out and summarize the ten landmark events affecting the historical process in the centennial evolution of land institutions of the Communist Party of China,to deeply analyze the major achievements and historical experience of the landmark events,and to take history as a mirror to create the future.The methods of literature review and comprehensive analysis are used.The results show that the connotation and characteristics of landmark events affecting the historical process of land institutions are defined,and the identification path of landmark events based on“Significance-Revolution-Positivity”is constructed.Ten landmark events including“the First Party Platform”,“the Agrarian Revolution”,“Land Reform”,“60 Regulations on People’s Communes”,“the Household Contract Responsibility System”,“Unified Management of Urban and Rural Land Administration”,“Reform of Urban Land Use System”,“Legalization of the Basic State Policy of Land”,“Legislation of Real Right”and“Unified Management of Natural Resources”are identified and refined.In conclusion,the ten landmark events originate from the historical practice of the Communist Party of China in uniting and leading the people to carry out long-term revolution,construction and reform,highlighting the major achievements made by the Communist Party of China in land institution construction in the past century.Ten landmark events can be attributed to the historical experience of putting the people first,advancing theoretical innovation,following the Chinese path and breaking new ground,and reflect the dynamic evolution logic of continuous self-innovation in the Centennial land institution reform,along with strengthening the historical confidence in adhering to the socialist land institutions with Chinese characteristics.Moreover,ten landmark events provide a reference for continuously enriching and developing the socialist land institutions with Chinese characteristics in the future.
作者 严金明 郭栋林 夏方舟 YAN Jinming;GUO Donglin;XIA Fangzhou(School of Public Administration and Policy,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期1-9,共9页 China Land Science
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(72134008) 国家自然科学基金项目(72074217,71704180) 国家社科基金重大项目(21&ZD121)。
关键词 标志性事件 重大性 变革性 积极性 百年演变 landmark event significance revolution positivity centennial evolution
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