
新时代统一战线思想的历史演进、现实依据与发展进路 被引量:1

Historical Evolution,Realistic Basis and Development Approach of United Front Thought in the New Era
摘要 中国共产党第十九届六中全会审议通过的《党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》明确将“坚持统一战线”列为十大经验之一。“统一战线”是贯穿中国革命、建设与改革各个历史时期与历史进程的一条主线,是推动中国各项事业不断取得新突破、获得新发展的重要法宝。马克思主义经典作家的相关论述是新时代统一战线思想的理论来源,主要包括保证无产阶级在合作中的独立性和主动权,确保无产阶级自身的联合与团结,明确建立工农联盟、团结城市小资产阶级、分析和利用好资产阶级的实现路径。中国共产党成立100年来,根据不同历史阶段特点,深化了对统一战线思想的认识,总结了丰富经验。尤其是面对当前百年未有之大变局的复杂形势,人类命运共同体理念作为引领时代潮流和人类前进方向的鲜明旗帜,是将统一战线思想应用到整个国际、整个世界的深刻体现。面对严峻复杂的国内外形势,做好新形势下的统战工作首先要坚定不移地坚持党的集中统一领导,不断巩固和夯实全国各族人民的共同思想政治基础,增强统战对象对党的领导的政治认同、思想认同。其次要树立大统战思维,强化统战领域体制机制建设,形成一整套系统完备的统战机制,有效解决新形势下统战领域“谁来领导、谁来做、怎么做”的关键性问题。最后要积极践行全过程人民民主,以民主手段与方式助推统战工作的稳步前行与创新发展,牢牢抓住民心这个最大的政治,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦打下坚实的力量基础。 The"Resolution on Major Achievements and Historical Experiences of the Party's Centennial Struggle"deliberated and passed by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly listed"adhering to the united front"as one of the ten experiences.The"United Front"is a main line that runs through all historical periods and processes of China's revolution,construction and reform,and is an important magic weapon for promoting China's various undertakings to make new breakthroughs and achieve new development.The relevant expositions of classic Marxist writers are the theoretical source of the united front thinking in the new era,which mainly includes ensuring the independence and initiative of the proletariat in cooperation,ensuring the unity and unity of the proletariat itself,clearly establishing a worker-peasant alliance,and uniting urban petty bourgeoisie.Class,analyze and make good use of the bourgeoisie's realization path.In the 100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China,according to the characteristics of different historical stages,it has deepened its understanding of the united front ideology and summarized rich experience.Especially in the face of the current complex situation of major changes unseen in a century,the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind,as a clear banner leading the trend of the times and the direction of mankind,is a profound manifestation of the application of the united front idea to the entire world and the entire world.In the face of the severe and complex domestic and international situation,to do a good job of the united front work under the new situation,we must first unswervingly adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the party,continuously consolidate and consolidate the common ideological and political foundation of the people of all ethnic groups in the country,and strengthen the object of the united front to the party.Political identity and ideological identity of leadership.Secondly,it is necessary to establish a grand united front thinking,strengthen the system and mechanism construction in the united front field,and form a complete set of system and complete united front mechanism to effectively solve the key issues of"who will lead,who will act,and how"in the field of united front under the new situation.Finally,we must actively practice people's democracy in the whole process,use democratic means and methods to promote the steady progress and innovative development of the United Front work,firmly grasp the people's heart,the biggest politics,and lay a solid force for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Base.
作者 高巍翔 刘玲玲 GAO Weixiang;LIU Lingling
出处 《决策与信息》 2022年第4期22-31,共10页 Decision & Information
基金 2017年度国家社科基金重点项目“中国共产党领导意识形态工作的理论与实践研究”(编号:17ADJ004)阶段性成果。
关键词 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 统一战线 人类命运共同体 建党百年 Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era United Front Community of Shared Future for Mankind Centennial of Party Founding
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