
产品伤害危机对消费者态度影响的心理机制分析 被引量:3

Psychological Mechanism Analysis of Impact of Product Injury Crisis on Consumer Attitudes
摘要 随着市场环境日益复杂多变,消费者对于产品安全的关注度呈明显上升的趋势,相应地在产品安全层面上将提出更高、更新的要求;同时,产品伤害危机越来越呈现高发趋势,且由于信息技术和大众传媒的推波助澜,更容易引起消费者的恐慌,使企业发展面临巨大挑战。本文引入公平理论,探索企业的危机处理方式对消费者品牌态度的影响,探讨不同严重程度产品伤害危机的处理方式对消费者态度的影响,考察用户与非用户的调节作用。研究认为:产品伤害危机越严重,消费者对品牌的态度就越差,而企业处理危机的努力程度则会改变这一态度。建议企业在处理危机过程中应该让消费者感受到企业较高的努力水平;在危机补救过程中应侧重于提高顾客的感知公平水平;在处理产品伤害危机时应该对用户和非用户采取差异化的策略,以维系用户的品牌忠诚度。 With the increasingly complex and changeable market environment,consumers are paying more attention to products safety,and higher and newer requirements will be put forward in the product security level accordingly.At the same time,the product injury crisis is showing an increasing trend,and due to the impetus of information technology and mass media,it is easier to cause panic among consumers,so enterprise development is facing great challenges.This paper introduces fairness theory to explore the influence of enterprise crisis treatment on consumer brand attitude,discusses the impact of different severity of product injury crisis treatment on consumer attitude,and examines the regulatory role of users and non-users.The study believes that the worse the product injury crisis,the worse the consumers'attitude towards brands,and the level of effort by the company to deal with the crisis will change that attitude.It is suggested that enterprises should let consumers feel a high level of enterprise efforts in the process of dealing with the crisis;emphasis should be focused on improving customers'perceived fairness during crisis remediation;in times of crisis,differentiated strategies should be adopted for users and non-users to maintain users'brand loyalty.
作者 彭博 杨敬舒 徐小龙 Peng Bo;Yang Jingshu;Xu Xiaolong
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2022年第3期79-89,共11页 Enterprise Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目“用户生成内容情境下产品创新知识形成机制研究:基于情感的作用”(项目编号:71302084) 上海市社会科学规划课题“大数据环境下多媒体网络舆情信息的语义识别与政府回应绩效”(项目编号:2020BGL027)。
关键词 产品伤害危机 感知风险 感知公平 负面情绪 消费者态度 product injury crisis perceived risk perceived fairness negative emotions consumer attitude
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