
“新时代复合型法治人才的培养”大家谈(笔谈) 被引量:19

Seminar on Inter-disciplinary Law Education in the New Era(Journal Papers)
摘要 本期刊发的9篇笔谈文章,对我国法学课程体系改革、法治人才培养展开研究探讨。中国人民大学王轶教授以《以课程体系改革为抓手培养复合型卓越法治人才》为题,提出法学课程体系是法治人才培养的核心和关键,是“三全育人”的主要依托,以习近平法治思想引领课程体系改革,致力培养德才兼备复合型卓越法治人才,势在必行。清华大学申卫星教授以《为什么是计算法学?——兼论法律与信息科技交叉的学科命名》为题,以法律与信息科技交叉的学科命名为切入点,回应了在法律与信息科技交叉学科的发展中清华大学法学院在新文科建设中提出“计算法学”的问题。北京航空航天大学龙卫球教授以《新型复合型法律人才的需求趋势与培养模式》为题,提出法律职业人才与社会经济发展存在紧密的结合关系,作为一种特殊专业人才,深嵌于社会经济对于法律治理的规范性和正当性的双重现实需求之中。高水平的法律职业人才一直以来就是既精通法律知识才能,又能深度融入复杂社会经济体系机理的复合型人才。北京理工大学李寿平教授以《新时代复合型涉外法治人才培养》为题,指出涉外法治人才培养是国家应对中美竞争和博弈加剧的时代需求,也是“一带一路”建设的基础需求,更是国家引领全球治理创新的需求。重庆大学黄锡生教授以《新时代复合型法治人才培养的路径探微》为题,提出新文科建设为复合型法治人才培养提供了方向上的引领,信息技术为复合型法治人才的培养提供了技术上的依托。新时代为复合型法治人才培养提供的新路径在于优化面向复合型法治人才培养的课程体系、推行和完善“双导师”教学制度以及广泛开辟学生进行社会实践的渠道。深圳大学刘俊教授以《复合型法治人才培养应当尊重教育教学和人才成长规律》为题,提出复合型法治人才培养应当尊重教育教学和人才成长规律,应理性看待大学四年学制的有限性,保障法学专业知识体系的完整性,推动由知识向能力的转化。湖南大学屈茂辉教授以《法学与信息科学融合的卓越法治人才培养的关键问题》为题,提出新法科建设的一个重要试点领域就是开展法学与信息科学交叉融合卓越法治人才培养,实现法学与信息科学的交叉融合。中南财经政法大学陈柏峰教授以《回应国家治理需求的社会治理法学人才培养》为题,提出法治人才培养的“中南经验”,即充分利用三大卓越法律人才教育培养基地优势,全面推行“一个专业,分类培养”的新型卓越法治人才培养模式。西安交通大学丁卫教授以《培养跨界融通的复合型卓越法治人才》为题,提出复合型卓越法治人才的培养首先须将学科交叉融合落实走深,其次要贯彻实施“通专结合”的人才培养模式,最后培养复合型法治人才的关键在于协同育人和强化法律实践教学。 The nine articles in this issue address China’s law curriculum transformation and law education.In his article“Cultivating Excellent Inter-disciplinary Law Talents through Curriculum Transformation”,Professor Wang Yi,vice president of China Renmin University,holds that law curriculum is the core and key of law education,and the foundation of all-round education.It is crucial that Xi Jinping’s thought on the rule of law be applied to initiate curriculum transformation,aiming to cultivate excellent inter-disciplinary law talents with both political integrity and professional competence.In his article“Why Computing Law?—Also on Naming Interdisciplines between Law and Information Technology”,Professor Shen Weixing,dean of Tsinghua University Law School,starts from naming inter-disciplines between law and information technology,and then answers the question on“computing law”put forward by Tsinghua University Law School in its new liberal art construction and the development of inter-disciplines between law and information technology.In his article“The Demand Tendency and Education Models of New Inter-disciplinary Law Talent”,Professor Long Weiqiu,dean of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Law School,puts forward the close relationship between law professionals and social-economic development.As a special type of personnel,they are deeply embedded in the dual realistic socialeconomic needs for the normalization and legitimacy of the rule of law.High-level law professionals have always been considered inter-disciplinary talents who are proficient in legal knowledge and adaptive in complicated social-economic mechanisms.In his article“Foreign-related Inter-disciplinary Law Education in the New Era”,Professor Li Shouping,dean of Beijing Institute of Technology Law School,points out the historical requirement for foreign-related law education in response to growing China-US competition,the basic requirement in the construction of the“Belt and Road”,and the national requirement to lead the world in global governance innovation.In his article“Specific Approaches of Inter-disciplinary Law Education in the New Era”,Professor Huang Xisheng,dean of Chongqing University Law School,maintains that new liberal art construction provides orientation for inter-disciplinary law education,and information technology provides technological support for it.New approaches of inter-disciplinary law education in the new era focus on targeted curriculum,the implementation and perfection of“double supervisor”teaching system,and increased opportunities for students’social practice.In his article“The Importance of Respect for Rules in Education and Student Development in Interdisciplinary Law Education”,Professor Liu Jun,dean of Shenzhen University Law School,argues that rules in education and student development must be respected in inter-disciplinary law education.The limitations of the four-year college system should be rationally considered to guarantee the integrity of legal knowledge system which should then be converted into practical abilities.In his article“Key Issues in Excellent Law Education Integrated with Information Science”,Professor Qu Maohui,dean of Hunan University,states that an important pilot area of new legal science is excellent inter-disciplinary law+information science education to realize the integration of the two subjects.In his article“Social Governance Law Education in Response to National Governance Demand”,Professor Chen Baifeng,dean of Law School of Zhongnan University of Economic and Law,shares his university’s experience in law education.Making full use of the three excellent law education centers,ZUEL has been running the“one major,diversified programs”model in its new excellent law education.In his article“Education of Excellent Inter-disciplinary Law Talents with Integrative Competence”,Professor Ding Wei,vice dean of Xi’an Jiaotong University Law School,observes that excellent inter-disciplinary law education should begin with in-depth integration of inter-disciplines.Next,both comprehensive and specialized education models should be applied.Last,coordinated education and intensive practical teaching of law are the keys to inter-disciplinary law education.
作者 王轶 申卫星 龙卫球 李寿平 黄锡生 刘俊 屈茂辉 陈柏峰 丁卫 WANG Yi;SHEN Weixing;LONG Weiqiu;LI Shouping;HUANG Xisheng;LIU Jun;QU Maohui;CHEN Baifeng;DING Wei
出处 《西北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第2期106-123,共18页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University(Social Sciences)
基金 科技部重点研发计划“热点案件和民生案件审判智能辅助技术研究”(2018YFC0831900) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“互联网经济的法治保障研究”(18ZDA149) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“生态文明视野下自然资源资产产权法律制度研究”(21ZDA091) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“和谐劳动关系协调机制的法律构建研究”(11&ZD031) 教育部首批新文科研究与改革实践项目“高素质涉外法治人才培养创新与实践——以‘中澳丝路班’为例”(2021110086)。
关键词 复合型法治人才 新文科 交叉学科 人才培养 inter-disciplinary law talent new liberal art inter-discipline education
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