

Gains and Losses and Remedy ofAnnotation of Three Hundred Ci Poems of Song Dynasty
摘要 《宋词三百首笺注》有五个特点:一是尺度很严;二是以“浑成”为旨归;三是所选词人多达82家,便于读者一窥宋词全貌;四是所选作品章法井然,便于初学;五是收录了不少史料、词人逸事珍闻和宋、元、明、清各代词话,便于读者了解词人生平、理解作品。其局限有四:一是过于推崇梦窗词,使得20世纪前40年的词坛几乎被梦窗词风所笼罩,造成不良影响;二是对苏、辛词缺乏认识,甚至连苏轼的《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》都不选;三是所附评论主要是传统词家的评论,很少采择现代词家的评论;四是注释比较简单。唐圭璋先生后来所作《唐宋词简释》对《宋词三百首笺注》作了若干补救:一是恢复了周邦彦的“词中老杜”地位;二是补选了苏轼的《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》,三是对词的章法结构作了细致的分析。 Annotation of Three Hundred Ci Poems of Song Dynasty has five features:1.the criterion of selection is very strict;2.the purpose is to encourage the“mature and skilled”style;3.Selected as many as 82 Ci poets to fa Ci litate readers a glimpse into panorama of Ci poetry;4.The selected works have spe Ci fic rules in composition,are easy for beginners to imitate;5.Having collected a lot of historical data,concerning the related backgrounds of the poets and their Ci poems,convenient for readers to understand.But it also has four limitations:1.Excessively favoring and praising Wu Wenying's Ci poems,makes the first 40 years of 20th century being dominated by his style and has left some negative influences;2.Lacking of enough awareness about the value of Ci poems by Su Shi and Xin Qiji,neglected some of their important works;3.The enclosed comments are mainly those of the an Ci ent traditional critics,rarely paying attention to the contemporaries;4.the annotations are too simple.Afterwards,Master Tang has made a number of remedies in his Brief Interpretation of the Ci Poems in Tang and Song Dynasties:1.restored the Zhou Bangyan’s status in Ci poems similar to that of Du Fu in Tang poems;2.Added Su Shi's Red Cliff Nostalgia;3.Supplemented detailed analysis on rhyme structure.
作者 曾大兴 Zeng Daxing
机构地区 广州大学文学院
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2022年第1期35-41,共7页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
基金 教育部2020年度重大课题攻关项目“中华优秀传统文化在语文教材中的传承研究与数据库建设”,项目号:20JZD049。
关键词 宋词三百首 选目 笺注 得失 补救 Annotation of Three Hundred Ci Poems of Song Dynasty selection annotation gains and losses remedy
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