

Resistance of potato varieties to powdery scab and screening of control fungicides in Gansu province
摘要 由马铃薯粉痂病菌Spongospora subterranea引起的粉痂病已成为甘肃省马铃薯生产上的重要病害之一,发生面积及危害程度均呈逐年增加的趋势,严重威胁马铃薯产业的健康可持续发展。研究马铃薯不同品种对粉痂菌的抗性并筛选高效防治药剂,是控制该病扩散蔓延最为直接和有效的手段,对马铃薯粉痂病的综合治理具有重要意义。本试验对甘肃省马铃薯主栽品种对粉痂病抗病性及田间防治药剂开展了系统研究,抗病性测定结果表明:22个品种块茎上均可感染粉痂病,发病率为25.00%~100.00%,病情指数为6.67~68.33,平均病情指数为29.45。从发病率和病情指数综合评价,‘冀张薯12号’对粉痂病有较好的抗性。田间药剂筛选试验结果表明:10亿cfu/g多黏类芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂100倍液和0.3%四霉素水剂50倍液播前种薯浸种处理均对马铃薯粉痂病有较好的防治效果,防效分别为60.50%和60.22%,显著高于其他处理;0.3%四霉素水剂30倍液和10亿cfu/g多黏类芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂45倍液于马铃薯花期时进行灌根处理,对粉痂病的防效分别为56.00%和52.87%,显著高于其他处理。因此,甘肃省马铃薯粉痂病发生严重区域建议种植‘冀张薯12号’,生产中可使用10亿cfu/g多黏类芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂100倍液、0.3%四霉素水剂50倍液播前种薯浸种处理或0.3%四霉素水剂30倍液、10亿cfu/g多黏类芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂45倍液花期灌根处理,降低粉痂病的发生率和严重度。 Powdery scab caused by Spongospora subterranea has become one of the most important diseases in potato production in Gansu province,and the occurrence area and damage degree are increasing year by year,threatening the healthy and sustainable development of potato industry.Potato varieties with high resistance to powdery scab and efficient control agents are the most direct and effective methods for the disease control.In this experiment,a systematic study was carried out on the resistance of main potato varieties to powdery scab and field control fungicides in Gansu province.The results showed that powdery scab could be infected on the tubers of 22 varieties,with the incidence rate of 25.00%-100.00%,the disease index of 6.67-68.33 and the average disease index of 29.45.According to the comprehensive evaluation of incidence and disease index,‘Jizhangshu 12’had higher resistance to powdery scab.Field trials showed that seed soaking treatments with 100 times of Paenibacillus polymyxa 1×10^(9)cfu/g WP and 50 times of tetramycin 0.3%AS had good control effects,with the efficacy of 60.50%and 60.22%,respectively,significantly higher than that of other treatments.When root drenching was carried out with 30 times of tetramycin 0.3%AS and 45 times of P.polymyxa 1×10^(9)cfu/g WP at flowering stage,the control efficacy were 56.00%and 52.87%,respectively,significantly higher than that of other treatments.Therefore,‘Jizhangshu 12’is recommended to be planted in the area where potato scab occurs seriously in Gansu province.Seed soaking treatment with 100-fold solution of P.polymyxa 1×10^(9)cfu/g WP and 50-fold solution of tetramycin 0.3%AS or root drenching with 30-fold solution of tetramycin 0.3%AS and 45-fold solution of P.polymyxa 1×10^(9)cfu/g WP can be used to reduce the incidence and severity of powdery scab.
作者 惠娜娜 王立 郑果 张大为 马生彪 李继平 HUI Nana;WANG Li;ZHENG Guo;ZHANG Dawei;MA Shengbiao;LI Jiping(Institute of Plant Protection,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou730070,China;Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Crop Pests in Tianshui,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Tianshui741200,China;College of Plant Protection,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou730070,China)
出处 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期273-277,295,共6页 Plant Protection
基金 甘肃省农业科学院重点研发计划(2019GAAS23) 甘肃省民生科技专项(20CX9NA091) 甘肃省重点研发计划(18YF1NA095) 国家马铃薯标准化区域服务与推广平台项目(NBFW-17-2019)。
关键词 马铃薯 粉痂病 抗病性 药剂筛选 potato powdery scab disease resistance fungicide screening
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