
基于多光谱方法对山东海曲汉墓群出土漆盒类漆器研究 被引量:1

Multispectral Analysis on Lacquer Films of Boxes Excavated From Haiqu Cemetery During the Han Dynasties
摘要 山东日照海曲汉墓群是2002年度全国十大考古新发现之一,该墓群共出土漆器约500件,具有较高历史、科学和艺术价值。漆盒是海曲汉墓出土漆器中数量最多的一类,具有造型精美的特点,代表着当时高度发达的髹漆工艺水平。切片显微研究揭示了该批漆盒存在漆灰层→底漆层→面漆(色漆和彩绘层)的髹制工艺特点,且具有较厚的漆灰层和底漆层。漆膜采用红色朱砂(HgS)作为呈色颜料,漆灰层存在使用黏土或骨灰+黏土的情况。海曲汉墓群出土漆器漆膜与现代生漆漆膜样品红外光谱图具有高度一致性,而部分古代漆膜在400~1000 cm^(-1)处出现了一些中等强度和较弱的红外特征吸收峰,归属于漆膜中人为添加或者沾染土壤环境中的石英颗粒的红外特征吸收峰。紫外-可见光光谱图显示古代漆膜与现代纯漆漆膜样品在大部分出峰位置一致,现代纯生漆漆膜与部分古代漆膜样品在200~265 nm处出现了共轭体系的π→π^(*)跃迁所产生的K带,在300~320 nm处出现孤立含杂原子的CO中n→π^(*)跃迁所产生的谱带R带。其中,部分样品K带消失说明古代漆膜因长期埋藏发生结构性劣变,而R带普遍增强则反映出漆膜发生着持续的氧化反应。该研究有助于更加科学地认知汉代髹漆工艺技术特点,揭示古代漆膜劣化特征,为古代漆器研究、保护和鉴别提供一定的参考数据。 The Haiqu Cemetery in Rizhao city,Shandong province,was one of the top ten great archaeological discoveries of 2002,where roughly 500 lacquerwares with high historical,scientific and artistic value were excavated.Most of them,lacquer boxes exhibit properties with complicated shapes and exquisite representing the highest level of lacquering craft at that time.According to the cross-section of lacquer film,a multilayer structure is observed,including a thick Qihui layer,thick undercoat layer and colored thin paint layer.Mercury sulfide(HgS) is employed as pigment for the red lacquer film and red pattern,and the Qihui layer uses clay and bone-ash as inorganic fillers.The FTIR diagrams show a strong homogeneity between the analyzed ancient lacquer film and simulated lacquer film produced by modern lacquer raw,and a significant difference about peaks at 400~1 000 cm^(-1) occurring in ancient-lacquer film corresponding to the infrared absorptive bands of quartz.UV-Vis absorption spectra reveal the absorption in the range 260~265 nm for π→π^(*) transition K band with conjugated π system and the other absorption in the range 300~320 nm for n→π^(*) transition R band of CO bonds.The disappearances of the K band in some samples reflect the serious degradation for those samples,and the general enhancement of the R band reflects continuous oxidation occurring in these ancient lacquer films in long-term burial conditions.This research will benefit to understanding the characteristics of Han Dynasty lacquering technology and revealing the degradable properties of ancient lacquer film enlightening for their research,conservation and duplication.
作者 吴双成 程普 李婷婷 杨阳 铁付德 金普军 WU Shuang-cheng;CHENG Pu;LI Ting-ting;YANG Yang;TIE Fu-de;JIN Pu-jun(School of Cultural Heritage,Northwest University,Xi’an 710069,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,China;Shandong Provincial Cultural Relics Restoration Center,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1150-1155,共6页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家社科基金项目(20BKG046) 陕西省社发重点研发计划项目(2020JZ-355) 陕西师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目(GK201902104)资助。
关键词 文物保护 漆器 髹漆 红外光谱 紫外-可见光 Cultural relics conservation Lacquerware Lacquering Infrared spectroscopy Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy
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