

A Simple Summary of the Editions and Research History of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
摘要 时值《神学政治论》出版350周年,至今它大体经历了五个重要的出版与研究阶段:1.1670年至1780年为早期传播阶段,成为西欧理智世界中最受关注的一部“无神论”著作;2.1781年至1881年为进入学府阶段,学术精英将其作为构建哲学体系的有益资源;3.1882年至1924年为文献学的早期研究阶段,一批文献学者考证并出版斯宾诺莎全集、推动建立专门的斯宾诺莎学;4.1925年至1998年为复兴阶段,《神学政治论》研究成为斯宾诺莎学的一个主要方向;5.1999年至今为《神学政治论》学的确立阶段,由法国、尼德兰学者联合推出的新考证版集中呈现了古典学和哲学研究的水平,成为世界各语种《神学政治论》研究的新起点。 2020 is the 350 th anniversary of the publication of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus( TTP). The history of the republication and research of it can be divided into five major stages. First,from 1670 to 1781,the stage of early dissemination,it became the most widely condemned“ atheistic” book in the intellectual world of western Europe. Second,from 1781 to 1882,the stage of entering into universities,it became an important resource for elites to construct new philosophical systems. Third,from 1882 to 1925,the stage of early philological research,a group of scholars studied and published Spinoza’s complete works which promoted the establishment of special Spinoza studies and contributed to the study of TTP on a new foundation. Fourth,from 1925 to 1999,the stage of regaining attention,it was interpreted within various disciplines such as religious and political philosophy,biblical and classical studies. Fifth,from 1999 to the present,the stage of the establishment of TTP studies. The new critical version of TTP jointly finished by French and Dutch scholars combined advantages of classical and philosophical studies and has become a new starting point for the future study of TTP in various languages around the world.
作者 彭柏林 Peng Bolin
出处 《政治思想史》 CSSCI 2022年第1期114-141,199,共29页 Journal of the History of Political Thought
关键词 斯宾诺莎 《神学政治论》 350周年 出版史 研究史 Spinoza Tractatus Theologico-Politicus 350th anniversary history of publication history of research
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