
从触觉感知到触觉智能——漫谈2021年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 被引量:5

From sense of touch to tactile intelligence:Thoughts from the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
摘要 超灵敏的感官是许多动物在大自然中能够生存的利器,例如鹰的视觉、蝙蝠的听觉、熊的嗅觉等.人类不但拥有视觉、听觉、嗅觉感知能力,还拥有高度发达的触觉.早有研究表明,人类皮肤能够感知振幅小至10 nm的振动刺激[1].之后又有科学家发现,人类触觉感知的极限还不止于此.Carpenter等人[2]在近原子级光滑硅片表面上分别制备了单层的氟化烷基硅烷(FOTS,分子直径为0.206 nm)和单层硅羟基(SiOH,分子直径为0.203 nm),实验结果显示人类皮肤能够分辨出这两种单分子层的差别. Human beings have highly developed sense of touch. Through touching we can perceive heat, pain, mechanical stimuli,recognize features of an object such as texture and hardness, and even understand emotion of a person. Hence, human touch is one of the most important ways to sense and adapt to the world around us. However, we had little understanding of how cutaneous perception was formed in our nervous system, until the groundbreaking discoveries were made by this year’s Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine, David Julius from University of California, San Francisco, and Ardem Patapoutian from Scripps Research. They found that heat and mechanical stimuli can initiate specific nerve impulses for temperature, pain, and touch sensations.The quest to understand temperature sensation and pain spans millennia. In the early 20 th century, the Greek physician Galen proposed that sensations were transmitted along pathways that connect the organs to the brain. It was not until 1997 that the true underlying molecular mechanism was revealed by Julius in a breakthrough work. Julius and his team found that a receptor on the cell’s membrane arranges itself from one side to the other, so that it creates a passage called a transient receptor potential(TRP) channel. This ion channel opens or closes in response to heat. Inspired by Julius’ s work,Patapoutian in the early 21 st century explored a mechanosensitive ion channel, called the Piezo channel, and identified that it is essential for the sense of touch. Patapoutian and his team also found that the Piezo channel is responsible for the sensing of position and motion of our body, which explains why we can balance on a steep stair.Not only did these discoveries elucidate the physiological understanding of human somatosensory, they also enlightened the researchers who work on reproducing such human functions in robotics and prosthetics. The molecular mechanisms of thermo-sensation and mechano-sensation provided a new paradigm for designing artificial cutaneous perception and constructing electronic skin for robots. Once fully armed by tactile perception and haptic feedback, smart robots and artificial intelligence may start to have consciousness and feel emotions like we humans do. With the awarding of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to research in how humans perceive touch and pain, the research in tactile intelligence now has a clearer roadmap and gains a greater momentum. We foresee many exciting breakthroughs in this field in the near future.
作者 陈思 张建朋 彭争春 丁建宁 Si Chen;Jianpeng Zhang;Zhengchun Peng;Jianning Ding(Fluid Machinery Center,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;Center for Stretchable Electronics and Nano Sensors,College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China)
出处 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期561-566,共6页 Chinese Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金(51805218) 粤港科技创新联合基金(2021A0505110015) 深圳市创新团队项目(KQTD20170810105439418) 深圳市重点项目(JCYJ20200109114237902)的资助
关键词 人类皮肤 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 原子级 单分子层 触觉感知 嗅觉感知 振动刺激 分子直径 cutaneous perception transient receptor potential ion channel Piezo ion channel electronic skin tactile intelligence
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