
百年来中国共产党人民民主话语结构的流变 被引量:11

The Changes of the Discourse Structure of People's Democracy of the CPC in the Past Hundred Years
摘要 人民民主话语是中国共产党为实现和维护人民当家作主而使用的一系列话语叙事。人民民主话语结构体现为目标与策略、价值与实践的统一,它的内在流变源于不同历史时期不同的社会主要矛盾和历史任务。新民主主义革命时期,人民民主话语目标指向建立人民当家作主的国家,策略指向发挥人民民主的动员功能、动态调整革命依靠的力量;社会主义革命和建设时期,人民民主话语目标指向巩固新政权、建设社会主义国家,策略指向确立人民代表大会制度、推进社会主义民主;改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期,人民民主话语目标指向继续围绕建设社会主义国家展开,策略指向坚持民主与集中、民主与法治的统一,探索中国式民主;中国特色社会主义新时代,人民民主话语目标指向推进国家治理现代化,策略指向发扬社会主义协商民主、走好线上线下群众路线、推进全过程人民民主。把握人民民主话语结构的流变,有利于理解中国式民主的丰富内涵,以及民主作为全人类共同价值的深刻意蕴。 People's democratic discourse is a series of language expressions proposed by the Commu-nist Party of China,which aims at realizing and maintaining the people's status as masters of the country.The discourse structure of people's democracy gives expression to the unity of goal and strategy,value and practice.And its internal evolution stems from different principal problems of society in different historical periods and historical missions.In the period of the new-democratic revolution,the goal of people's demo-cratic discourse is to establish a country in which its people are the masters of the country,and the strate-gies are about giving full play to the mobilization capability of people's democracy and dynamically adjus-ting the trusted revolutionary forces;In the period of socialist revolution and construction,the goal of peo-ple's democratic discourse is to consolidate the new state power and build socialism in China,and the strategies are about establishing the system of people's congress and promoting“big”democracy;In the new period of reform,opening up,and socialist modernization,the goal of people's democratic discourse is to continue exploring a right path for building socialism in China,and the strategies are about adhering to democratic centralism,the unity of democracy and the rule of law,and developing democracy with Chinese characteristics;In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the goal of people's democratic discourse is to promote the modernization of national governance,and the strategies are about carrying for-ward socialist deliberative democracy,following the online and offline mass line,and promoting wholeprocess people's democracy.Grasping the evolution of the discourse structure of people's democracy is conducive to understanding the difficult course of the CPC's struggle for democracy over the past century,the great connotations of democracy with Chinese characteristics,and the profound meaning of democracy as a common value of humanity.
作者 彭冲 王炳权 PENG Chong;WANG Bingquan(University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102488,China;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
出处 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期39-50,共12页 Probe
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“习近平总书记关于发展全过程人民民主重要论述研究”(21&ZD006),项目负责人:王炳权。
关键词 人民民主 民主集中制 基层民主 协商民主 全过程人民民主 people's democracy democratic centralism community-level democracy deliberative democracy whole-process people's democracy
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