
刑事附带消费民事公益诉讼的认识误区及其克服 被引量:5

Misunderstanding and Overcoming of the Criminal Incidental Consumer Civil Public Interest Litigation
摘要 目前,学界与实务界多将附带消费民事公益诉讼界定为刑事附带民事诉讼,进而混淆了其与附带消费民事私益诉讼的关系,并错误地将《刑事诉讼法》作为附带消费民事公益诉讼的法律规范依据,导致附带消费民事公益诉讼案件的管辖法院不当地被降格为基层法院,审判组织形式难以统一。附带消费民事公益诉讼的法律属性应为消费民事公益诉讼,系消费民事公益诉讼的特殊提起方式,其与附带消费民事私益诉讼之间是并列关系;应将《民事诉讼法》作为附带消费民事公益诉讼的法律规范依据;应以附带消费民事公益诉讼案件的管辖为基准,将刑事公诉与附带消费民事公益诉讼案件的管辖法院整体确定为中级法院;由七人合议庭一并审理刑事公诉与附带消费民事公益诉讼案件,始符合《人民陪审员法》之规定,也与将附带消费民事公益诉讼的法律属性界定为消费民事公益诉讼相呼应。 At present,the academic and practical circles mostly define the incidental consumer civil public interest litigation as a criminal incidental civil litigation,which confuses its relationship with the incidental consumer civil private interest litigation,and wrongly used the Criminal Procedure Law as the legal normative basis for civil public interest litigation with consumption.As a result,the court of jurisdiction for civil public interest litigation cases involving incidental consumption was improperly downgraded to a basic level court,and the organization of trials is difficult to be unified.The legal attribute of the criminal incidental consumer civil public interest litigation should be a consumer civil public interest litigation,which is a special way of initiating consumer civil public interest litigation.It is parallel with civil private interest litigation.The Civil Procedure Law should be regarded as the legal standard basis of the criminal incidental consumer civil public interest litigation.Based on the jurisdiction of the criminal incidental consumer civil public interest litigation,the jurisdiction court of criminal prosecution and the criminal incidental consumer civil public interest litigation should be determined as the intermediate court.A seven-person collegiate panel hears both criminal prosecutions and criminal incidental consumer civil public interest litigation,which complies with the provisions of the People’s Juror Law.It also echoes the definition of the legal attribute of the criminal incidental consumer civil public interest litigation as consumer civil public interest litigation.
作者 傅贤国 FU Xian-guo(School of Law,Guizhou Minzu University,Guiyang 550025,China)
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期58-71,共14页 Hebei Law Science
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“我国消费民事公益诉讼司法规则研究”(19BFX110)之阶段性研究成果。
关键词 附带消费民事公益诉讼 认识误区 性质界定 刑从民 七人合议庭 criminal incidental consumer civil public interest litigation misunderstanding definition of nature criminal procedure is attached to civil procedure seven-person collegiate panel
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