
应急管理视域下抗逆力构成及其关系结构研究 被引量:2

Research on the Constructs and Its Relationship Structure of “Resilience” From Perspective of Emergency Management
摘要 脆弱性和抗逆力的概念在很多学科中都有所论述。由于“抗逆力”相对“脆弱性”更强调风险管理行为的主观能动性,它逐渐得到应急管理领域的广泛关注和认可,成为新兴研究热点。但因其概念众多、层次繁杂,实证研究进展较为缓慢。本研究综合现有抗逆力理论,构建“属性-结构-过程-能力”多维度概念集合,通过解释结构模型进行层次划分,厘清影响关系,得出应急管理视域下抗逆力概念结构:“核心能力层-能力形成层-内核层”,为抗逆力实证研究提供相应的理论框架。 The concepts of vulnerability and resilience have been discussed in many disciplines.Since resilience emphasizes more than vulnerability on the subjective dynamics of risk management behavior,its concept has gradually been widely concerned and recognized in the field of emergency management,and has become a new research hotspot.But due to the complicated concepts,progress on empirical research is slow.This research synthesizes the existed concept dimensions to build property-structure-process-capability of multi dimension conceptual framework.We used the interpretative structural model to divide the levels of the conceptual framework into three levels:core competence ability layer,formation layer and kernel layer.We clarified the effect the relationship between the concepts of resilience,and provided the corresponding theoretical framework for empirical research on resilience.
作者 樊博 乔楠 Fan Bo;Qiao Nan(School of International and Public Affairs,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030)
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期141-148,共8页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“大数据分析驱动的农产品质量安全治理研究”(编号:71974128) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“基于大数据分析的重大公共事务决策风险治理研究”(编号:19JZD022)。
关键词 应急管理 抗逆力 关系结构 emergency management resilience relationship framework
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