
个人信息处理“同意”行为解析及规则完善 被引量:17

Consent in Personal Information Process:Position in the Family of Civil Act and Rules Perfecting
摘要 目前我国多将"同意"定性为合同承诺或信息权益处分行为,产生了各种实践困局。信息处理者对个人享有事实上的私权力,"同意"这一法律行为定性与意思自治精神发生背离。从制度逻辑看,"同意"实现的是合作性组织秩序,个人没有设权意愿也不设定权利义务规则,与合同权益变动规律有罅隙;从法律技术看,个人信息人格价值不得处分,财产价值处分权不由个人享有,"同意"不构成处分性的抽象法律行为。"同意"是准法律行为,行为意思与表示意思保护个人"同意"自主性及其对"同意"法律意义的认识,效果法定是对权力失衡的纠偏,避免了主体客体化。作为正当基础,"同意"是信息处理加入权的行使,法定效果是处理者既获得了限制个人信息人格价值和生产保有个人信息财产价值的双重正当性,又产生了法定的个人信息保护义务。《个人信息保护法》规定的动态"同意",是对信息处理决策权和退出权的行使。"同意"这一准法律行为定性,使个人信息保护的公法性强制规范与私法性自由规范形成链接,在定纷止争的基础上,给个人提供更加完整的权利救济。 At present, “consent” is mostly defined as promise of contract or disposal of personal information, resulting in various practical dilemma. Defining “consent” as juristic act deviates from the spirit of the autonomy of will doctrine, in that information processors have de facto private power over individuals. From institutional logic, “consent” realizes the cooperative-organizational order. Individuals do not have the will to set rights and obligations, which makes a gap with the law of contract in terms of changes of interests. In legal technology perspective, the personality value in personal information shall not be disposed and the right to dispose of property value shall not be enjoyed by individuals, therefore, “consent” does not constitute an abstract-juristic act of disposition. “Consent” is a quasi-juristic act. Intention of act and intention of expression protect consent autonomy. Legally prescribed effect is to correct the imbalance of power and avoid the objectification of subject. As a legitimate basis, “consent” is the act of exercising rights to participate information processing. The legal effect is that the processors not only obtains the dual legitimacy of restricting the personality value and property value in personal information, but also burdens the legal obligation of protecting personal information. As the legal reason for changing jural relation, “consent” is the act of exercises the right of entry, decision-making and exit of information processing. The definition of “consent” as quasi-juristic act links the mandatory norms of public law and the freedom norms of private law in the protection of personal information. Consequently, it provides individuals with more complete right relief when disputes occur.
作者 王琳琳 Wang Linlin
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期80-91,共12页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家哲学社科基金重大项目“大数据时代个人数据保护与数据权利体系研究”(18ZDA145)的阶段性成果。
关键词 个人信息 个人信息决定权 同意 准法律行为 意思表示 personal information personal information right of self-determination consent quasi-juristic act declaration of intention
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