Non-metallic inclusion in electroslag remelting is a constant topic that has been studied for decades.Different results and conclusions are obtained on some of the subjects from these previous investigations.These differences originate in part from different experimental conditions,including original inclusion chemistries in consumable electrode,slag composition,oxygen level,liquid metal compositions,deoxidation schemes,and melting rates of electroslag remelting.The advances in the operating practices of inclusion control in electroslag remelting production are reviewed.Inclusion evolution during the electroslag remelting and related processing parameters are also reviewed and assessed.The role of the reoxidation of liquid steel during electroslag remelting on oxide inclusion composition is discussed.The generation of inclusions in remelted ingot is critically assessed.Perspective and remaining issues are noted.
The financial support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51874026 and 52074027)
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.FRF-AT-20-13)is greatly acknowledged
The authors are also thankful to the financial support from the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy(Grant No.41621024).