
一种基于FCME的跳频通信干扰检测门限设计方法 被引量:2

A design method of frequency hopping communication interference detection threshold based on FCME algorithm
摘要 针对跳频卫星通信在应用中面临恶意干扰威胁的问题,需要对接收信号进行干扰检测。首先使用宽带能量检测模型对接收信号进行建模,分析了检测统计量的概率分布形式,其次在FCME算法以及恒虚警门限设置方法的基础上,利用概率统计知识分析高斯分布下部分样本与总体的关系,加入迭代修正过程对噪底进行估计以设置满足恒虚警概率要求的门限,最后利用Matlab搭建仿真平台进行仿真分析。理论和仿真分析表明,基于FCME的迭代修正门限设计方法相比于已有方法在SNR为0 dB、无干扰条件下能获得满足虚警概率要求的门限,当存在部分频带干扰时算法性能下降,但所获得的门限仍能满足虚警概率要求。设计方法在干扰较弱或不存在时能满足虚警概率要求,改善了FCME算法虚警概率偏高的情况,应用于跳频通信系统干扰检测的门限设计是可行的,在工程实际应用中有一定的参考价值。 Frequency hopping satellite communication faces the threat of malicious interference in application,therefore,it is necessary to detect the interference of the received signal.Firstly,the wideband energy detection model was used to model the received signal,and the probability distribution of detection statistics was analyzed.Secondly,on the basis of FCME algorithm and CFAR threshold setting method,the relationship between some samples and the population under Gaussian distribution was analyzed by using probability statistical knowledge,and the iterative correction was added to estimate the noise bottom to set the threshold to meet the requirements of CFAR probability.Finally,the simulation platform was built by Matlab for simulation analysis.Theoretical and simulation analysis show that compared with the existing methods,the iterative modified threshold design method based on FCME can obtain the threshold that meets the requirements of false alarm probability under the condition of SNR=0 dB with no interference.When there is partial band interference,the performance of the algorithm decreases,but the obtained threshold can still meet the requirements of false alarm probability.This design method can provide an efficient neighbor discovery scheme for wireless Ad hoc network,improve the performance of wireless Ad hoc network,and has certain practical value in aircraft networking and other application scenarios.
作者 李孟超 潘申富 LI Mengchao;PAN Shenfu(The 54th Research Institution of CETC,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050081,China)
出处 《河北工业科技》 CAS 2022年第2期94-100,共7页 Hebei Journal of Industrial Science and Technology
关键词 无线通信技术 跳频通信 干扰检测 能量检测 门限设计 wireless communication technology frequency hopping communication interference detection energy detection threshold design
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