

On Theories of“Merging or Canceling Official Positions”in the Wei and Xi Jin Dynasties
摘要 魏西晋时期,傅玄、傅咸、夏侯玄、王肃、王昶等人皆昌言宜“并官省职”,此诸“并官省职论”皆以凋敝之时世所产生的冗官现象与“耻于入仕”、仕则以不视文书为优的价值观为根柢。诸论“并官省职”的具体政策却不同,傅玄主张规定士、农、工、商四民人数;夏侯玄主张“宜省郡守”;王肃、王昶主张“并官实禄”;傅咸主张官吏皆减其半。各论之形成背景亦不同,夏侯玄“省郡守论”酝酿于中正制日颓、曹爽与司马懿政治斗争激烈的正始年间;王肃、王昶“并官实禄论”则分别成形于百官生活日蹙的魏明帝太和年间与司马懿控制曹魏政权,欲收拢人心的嘉平之世;傅咸“冗官归农论”则诞生于水旱之灾频仍的咸宁年间。魏西晋时期的诸“并官省职论”大多存在与社会脱节,或不符合政治学一般规律的弊病,故并未落实,然“实禄”思想却成为司马氏拉拢、团结其集团的一种手段,通过“五等爵”“占田制”等非“并官”的形式落实。 During the Wei and Xi Jin Dynasties,Fu Xuan,Fu Xian,Xiahou Xuan,Wang Su,Wang Chang and others had been advocating the theories of“merging or canceling official positions”.All these theories produced owing to the phenomenon of redundant officials during declining periods,and the value of“ashamed of being an official”,as well as the value that selection of being an official should not be solely based on their academic performance.The specific policies of“these theories”varied.Fu Xuan advocated stipulating the number of scholars,farmers,workers and businessmen;Xiahou Xuan supported the idea of“combining prefectures and counties”;Wang Su and Wang Chang upheld the idea of“merging official positions and setting reasonable salary”;Fu Xian advocated“to halve the number of officials”.The backgrounds of each theory varied.Xiahou Xuan’s came into being in 240—249,when Cao Shuang and Sima Yi fought fierce;Wang Su and Wang Chang’s took shape in 227—233 and the reign of Jiaping(249—254)when Sima Yi controlled the Cao Wei regime and tried to win the hearts of the people;Fu Xian’s was born in the Xianning period(275—280)with frequent floods and droughts.All these theories were divorced from the real situation of society or were not in line with the general laws of political science,so they were not implemented.However,the thought of“shilu”became a means for Sima Yi to win over people’s hearts and unite his group,which was implemented in the form of“the five ranks of nobility”and“land occupation system”,instead of merging officials.
作者 刘晨亮 LIU Chen-liang(School of History and Culture, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730030, China)
出处 《湖北文理学院学报》 2022年第3期13-22,共10页 Journal of Hubei University of Arts and Science
关键词 曹魏 西晋 并官省职 五等爵制 Cao Wei the Xi Jin Dynasty “merging or canceling official positions” five ranks of nobility
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