
英法德南海政策的调整及影响 被引量:3

The South China Sea Policies of Britain,France and Germany:Adjustments and Impact
摘要 英法德作为重要的欧洲国家,是影响南海局势不可忽视的域外因素。近三年来,英法德的南海政策作出了重要的调整,包括选边站队、军事跟进、反华鲜明等内容。这种调整既是出于其自身利益考量,又是对美国印太战略和南海周边国家对冲战略的回应。国别层面,英法德与美国对华遏制政策的对接程度、自身印太战略的转型方向、国家角色定位等因素导致其调整方式和动机存在一定的差别。英法德南海政策的调整进一步助推了南海问题的国际化与军事化进程。然而,鉴于英法德三国仍需在中美竞争中寻求微妙平衡,其实际行动也受到域外国家身份、自身综合实力、中欧经贸关系、共同协调机制等因素的限制,其产生的影响也必然止于一定限度。对于英法德南海政策的调整,中国应多管齐下采取应对措施,通过稳定周边关系、深化中欧经贸合作、管控中美分歧等措施严控其干预南海事务的范围和力度,充分限制和减轻其可能产生的负面影响。 As important European countries,Britain,France and Germany are extraterritorial actors that cannot be ignored in the South China Sea.In the past three years,the South China Sea policies of Britain,France and Germany have made important adjustments as they take the side of the US,follow up with military moves,and become clearly antagonistic toward China.In general,these adjustments are not only based on their own interests,but also a response to the US Indo-Pacific strategy and the hedging strategies of the regional countries.The three European states differ,however,in terms of the ways in which their policies are adjusted and their motivations due to their different consistency with US policies in containing China,the different foci of their own Indo-Pacific strategies,and the different roles they take on.The policy adjustments by the three countries have further promoted the internationalization and militarization of the South China Sea issue.However,their negative impact is limited given their desire to seek a delicate balance in the China-US competition and factors that limit their actual actions such as their status as extraterritorial powers,limitations in their national power,China-EU economic and trade ties,and the lack of a common coordination mechanism.In response,China should take a multi-pronged approach,and reduce the scope and extent of British,French and German intervention in the South China Sea through measures such as stabilizing relations with neighboring countries,deepening China-EU economic and trade cooperation,and managing its differences with the US.
作者 罗婷婷 王群 Luo Tingting;Wang Qun
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期121-134,159,共15页 International Forum
关键词 南海局势 欧盟外交 中欧关系 印太战略 中美关系 the situation in the South China Sea EU diplomacy China-EU relations Indo-Pacific strategy
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