

Study on application of fast setting and early strength concrete in precast lining segment of subway
摘要 装配式建筑预制构件尤其地铁预制衬砌管片的生产过程中,采用快凝早强混凝土,可减少静停时间,提高脱模起吊强度,避免咬边和缺棱掉角,还可采用夹具起吊,提高安全。主要研究预制构件用快凝早强混凝土,通过不断优化配合比和原材料,最终研制出的快凝早强混凝土在气温25℃以上时可取消蒸养,在气温10—25℃时可降低蒸养温度,既节能又环保,符合绿色生产发展趋势,研究成果成功应用于厦门市轨道交通4号线、6号线工程。 The use of fast setting and early strength concrete in the production of prefabricated components of prefabricated buildings,especially the precast lining segments of subway,can reduce the static stop time,improve the lifting strength of mold removal,avoid edge biting and missing edges and angles,and also adopt fixture lifting to improve safety.This paper mainly studies the use of fast setting and early strength concrete for precast components.By constantly optimizing the mix ratio and raw materials,the fast setting and early strength concrete finally developed can cancel the steam curing when the temperature is above 25℃,and can reduce the steam curing temperature when the temperature is 10-25℃,which is both energy saving and environmental protection,in line with the development trend of green production.The research results have been successfully applied to xiamen rail transit Line 4 and Line 6 projects.
作者 朱清宏 ZHU Qinghong(Xiamen Zhixin Construction Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd,Xiamen 361023)
出处 《福建建筑》 2022年第3期126-129,共4页 Fujian Architecture & Construction
关键词 快凝早强混凝土 管片 绿色生产 Fast setting and early strength concrete Subway segment Green production
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