

Review on the Contribution of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Cheese Flavor Formation
摘要 干酪在成熟过程中会涉及一系列复杂的生化反应,从而使得不同品种的干酪具有独特的风味和质构。因此,为明确乳酸菌在干酪风味形成过程中的关键作用,对干酪风味形成的蛋白质水解、脂肪水解和乳糖酵解等代谢途径进行详细综述,以期为能够通过控制干酪中的微生物群从而使其增强特定风味或快速发展新的特色风味提供理论基础。 During the ripening process of cheese, unique flavour and texture development can result from a series of complex biochemical processes. Therefore, to clarify the key role of lactic acid bacteria(LAB) in the formation of cheese flavor, the review provides detailed information about metabolic pathways of cheese flavor formation, such as proteolysis, lipolysis and lactolysis. This review is expected to provide a theoretical basis for the enhancement of specific flavor or the rapid development of new flavor by controlling the microbiota in cheese.
作者 司阔林 闫清泉 李玲玉 任敏 赵中华 宗学醒 SI Kuolin;YAN Qingquan;LI Lingyu;REN Min;ZHAO Zhonghua;ZONG Xuexing(Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Industry(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Hohhot 011500)
出处 《食品工业》 CAS 2022年第2期192-198,共7页 The Food Industry
关键词 干酪 风味形成 发酵剂乳酸菌 非发酵剂乳酸菌 cheese flavor formation starter lactic acid bacteria nonstarter lactic acid bacteria
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