Monastic confinement was a punishment to detain or imprison someone,who against certain laws,rules,or an emperor,in a monastery temporarily or permanently.With the transformation and development of Byzantium,monastic confinement had gradually been used in a wider range:from basically a punishment in monastic rules which aimed at those monks and nuns who violated certain monastic rules,then expanded to a method of governing in political life and dealing with secular affairs.During the reign of Justinian,monastic confinement was legislated as a public,punishment in societal dimension in the Code of Justinian,which mainly used for female crimes and marital issues.By the reign of emperor Phokas,monastic confinement had been extended to a punishment against whose who failed in throne struggling.Henceforth,it had become a common way of punishment in Byzantine political rivaliy.The expanding use of monastic confinement reflected an increasing influence of monastery in Byzantium,which was attributed to the renunciation and asceticism of the monastery,by which the emperor remedy the limitation of his means of control.
History Teaching