进入21世纪后,宽禁带半导体SiC电力电子学发展迅速,SiC二极管和SiC金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)先后进入商品化,在电动汽车等绿色能源的应用发展的带动下,SiC电力电子学进入产业化快速发展阶段。介绍了SiC电力电子学在大尺寸SiC单晶,低成本SiC功率器件制造,SiC二极管、SiC MOSFET、SiC绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)和SiC门极关断晶闸管(GTO)等功率器件,SiC封装和模块,以及高开关频率SiC器件的应用创新等产业化技术方面的最新进展。其中包含了大尺寸SiC单晶生长技术,基于商用Si CMOS生产线的SiC功率器件制备新工艺,SiC二极管的新结构与新工艺,SiC MOSFET的超级结结构、FinFET结构、高k介质栅与可靠性技术,SiC IGBT和SiC GTO的n沟道新器件及载流子寿命增强新工艺,SiC功率模块的设计与新装联工艺,SiC功率器件应用的新拓扑结构,栅极驱动电路与抑制寄生效应的新技术等。分析和评价了SiC电力电子学产业化的发展态势。
After entering the 21^(st) century,the wide bandgap semiconductor SiC power electronics has developed rapidly.SiC diodes and SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors(MOSFETs) have been commercialized successively.Driven by the development of electric cars and other green energy applications,the SiC power electronics has entered the rapid development stage of industrialization.The latest progress on the industrialization technology of SiC power electronics is introduced in terms of the SiC single crystal in large size,manufacturing of low cost SiC power devices,power devices such as SiC diodes,SiC MOSFETs,SiC insulate gate bipolar transistors(IGBTs) and SiC gate turn-off thyristors(GTOs),SiC packaging and modules,and the application innovation of high switching frequency SiC devices.It includes the growth technology of large size SiC crystal,the new fabrication process of SiC power devices based on commercial Si CMOS production lines,new structure and new process of SiC diodes,super junction structure,FinFET structure and high k dielectric gate and reliability technology for SiC MOSFETs,the new n-channel devices and new technology of carrier life enhancement for SiC IGBTs and SiC GTOs,the design and new assembly technology for SiC power modules,new topologies for SiC power device applications,gate drive circuits and new technologies to suppress parasitic effects,etc.The development trend for the industrialization of SiC power electronics is analyzed and evaluated.
Zhao Zhengping(China Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100846,China)
Semiconductor Technology