

Wood Cut Illustrations and Folk New Year Pictures of A Dream of Red Mansions Collected in St. Petersburg, Russia
摘要 俄罗斯文化首都圣彼得堡历来是海外"红学"研究的一方重镇。不久前,E.A.扎维多夫斯卡娅和Д.И.马亚茨基二位青年学者在《圣彼得堡大学学报》2020年第12卷第2分册上发表论文《圣彼得堡收藏中的中国古典小说〈红楼梦〉插图木刻版和民间木刻画》,介绍了圣彼得堡收藏插图本《红楼梦》的历史与版本比较,以及圣彼得堡收藏的"红楼"题材民间木版年画的详细情况。通过这些介绍,研究者可以按图索骥,使孤悬海外的《红楼梦》版画得以为自己的故乡所知,为新时代的"红学"研究和中国文化海外传播研究做出贡献。 St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia, has always been an important place for overseas study of A Dream of Red Mansions research.Not long ago, two young scholars, EA Zavidovskaya and Д.И. Mayatsky, published a paper Illustrated Woodcut Edition and Folk Woodcut Paintings of the Chinese Classical Novel A Dream of Red Mansions in the St. Petersburg Collection in "Journal of St. Petersburg University", Volume 12, Volume 2, 2020. It introduces the history and version comparison of the illustrated book A Dream of Red Mansions in the St. Petersburg collection, as well as the details of the Folk Woodblock New Year Picture on the theme of A Dream of Red Mansions in the St. Petersburg collection.Through these introductions, researchers can try to locate to make the prints of A Dream of Red Mansions lonely overseas known to our homeland, and make contributions to the study of A Dream of Red Mansionsin the new era and the study of the overseas communication of Chinese culture.
作者 张晓丹 李逸津 Zhang Xiaodan;Li Yijin(School of Sports and Culture,Tianjin University of Sport,Tianjin,301617;School of Chinese Language and Literature,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin,300387)
出处 《语文学刊》 2022年第1期47-56,共10页 Journal of Language and Literature Studies
基金 2017年国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国文化域外传播百年史(1807-1949)”(17ZDA195)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 圣彼得堡 《红楼梦》 插图本 木版年画 St.Petersburg A Dream of Red Mansions illustrated book Woodblock New Year Pictures
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