

Research Progress in Application of Different Indexes to Predict the Effect of Alteplase Thrombolytic Therapy
摘要 急性脑梗死是由各种原因所致的局部脑组织血液供应障碍,导致脑组织缺血缺氧性病变坏死,进而产生对应的神经功能缺失表现的一种临床疾病。该疾病严重影响身体健康和日常生活,因而受到广泛的关注。阿替普酶是目前临床上用于急性脑梗死治疗的最主要的静脉溶栓药物,但该药治疗时间窗短且有效率不高,因此快速准确预测阿替普酶溶栓效果才能为临床工作提供依据。现拟从标志物预测、影像学预测、模型预测三个方面对近期比较有意义的研究成果进行总结,为今后的研究和临床诊治提供参考和依据。 Acute cerebral infarction is a clinical disease induced of local brain tissue blood supply disorders by various causes, leading to cerebral ischemia and hypoxic necrosis, and further resulting in corresponding neurological deficits. The disease seriously affects people’s health and daily life, so it has attracted widespread attention. At present, alteplase is the most important intravenous thrombolytic drug for the treatment of acute cerebral infarction. However, the treatment time window of the drug is short and the efficiency is low. Therefore, rapid and accurate prediction of the thrombolytic effects of alteplase should be applied in clinic. This article summarized recent meaningful research results from three aspects: marker prediction, imaging prediction and model prediction, which may provide some valuable reference for future research and clinical work.
作者 于小舟 高飞 Yu Xiaozhou;Gao Fei(First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical College,Xi'an,710082,China)
出处 《中国药师》 CAS 2022年第3期504-510,共7页 China Pharmacist
基金 西安医学院第一附属医院配套基金项目(编号:XYFYPT-2020-03)。
关键词 脑梗死 阿替普酶 溶栓效果 预测 Cerebral infarction Alteplase Thrombolysis Prediction
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