
村级后备干部制度:农村青年参与乡村振兴的路径 被引量:1

Village-level Reserve Cadre System: Path Exploration on the Participation of Rural Youth in Rural Revitalization
摘要 实现乡村振兴和基层治理现代化的核心要素是人才,然而在城市化背景下,农村青壮年人口大量外流,农村空心化、老龄化日益严重,基层组织普遍面临人员老化、后继无人的问题。许多地方推出了村级后备干部制度,这些村级后备干部普遍较为年轻,具有学历高、年轻化、家庭负担不重、女性居多的特点,但在劳动力市场竞争中优势不足。成为村级后备干部,符合县域范围内部分年轻人的职业选择,包括对体面生活的向往和对家庭生活完整性的追求。村级后备干部由乡镇在本地统一招考,地方财政发放工资,经过专业培训制度培养,通过考核后经选举进入村委会,在成为正式村干部后有职业流动的空间。村级后备干部制度的建立,稳定了基层组织人才建设,提升了基层组织成员的整体素质,推动了基层组织人才振兴。但与此同时,后备干部制度也产生了村级组织行政化、弱化村民自治等不良影响。 Talents matter in rural revitalization as well as the modernization of grass-roots governance. Nonetheless,driven by urbanization,a vast majority of young and middle-aged people in the countryside are lured to metropolitan cities,and there are ever-growing problems of demographic structure,including rural hollowing and aging population. Thus,grass-root organizations are generally faced with the problems of aging personnel and few reserve cadres. Under this circumstance,village-level reserve cadre system has emerged in a great number of places.These village-level reserve cadres are generally young,with the characteristics of higher educational qualifications,light family burden and higher proportion of women,but they have insufficient competitive strengths in labor market. Becoming a village-level reserve cadre is consistent with the vocational choice of most of the rural young people,which fulfills the aspiration to live a decent life and the pursuit of family life. Village-level reserve cadres are locally admitted and recruited by examination,paid by the local public finance,trained through the professional training system,and elected to the village committee after passing the evaluation. After becoming official village cadres,they have the promotion opportunities.The establishment of the village-level reserve cadre system reinforces the personnel development of grass-root organizations,enhances the overall quality of grass-root cadres,and pushes forward the talent revitalization of grass-root organizations. In addition,it also gives rise to some adverse effects,including the administration of village organizations and the weakening of the right of villager autonomy.
作者 齐薇薇 QI Weiwei(School ofMarxism,Hunan NormalUniversity,Changsha 424200,China)
出处 《湖南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期15-22,共8页 Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
关键词 乡村振兴 青年后备干部 村干部 乡村治理 行政化 村民自治 rural revitalization young reserve cadres village cadres rural governance administration villager autonomy
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