
政治制度评价的方法论 被引量:4

Methodology of Political System Evaluation
摘要 政治制度评价是一个重大问题,必须坚持历史唯物主义原则。政治制度的奥秘不在虚幻的表象之上,而是隐匿于现实的物质生产关系之中;政治制度不是既成不变的僵化物,而是处于永恒的变动之中;政治制度是在一个国家历史传承、文化传统、经济社会发展基础上内生演化的结果,制度评价应当站稳本国立场。评判一个政治制度是不是个好制度,实践是最终的裁判者。实践标准具体体现为生产力标准、人民利益标准、社会和谐标准,三者内在一致,共同表征实践的不同侧面。生产力标准是实践标准在社会历史领域的集中体现,是衡量社会制度优劣的根本标准;人民利益标准是实践标准在社会主体领域的集中体现,是衡量社会制度优劣的最高标准;社会和谐标准是实践标准在社会治理效能上的集中体现,是好制度的重要标准。政治制度评价,须坚持进步与正义相统一,进步优先于正义,反对抽象正义论;坚持效果与动机相统一,效果优先于动机,重视主观预期,关键看效果;坚持总体评价与个体评价相统一,总体标准优先于个体标准,不为个别意见所左右;坚持中国立场与世界眼光相统一,反对西方中心论。 The evaluation of political system is a major issue,which must adhere to the principle of historical materialism. The mystery of political system does not lie in the illusory appearance,but hides in the actual material relations of production. The political system is not an invariable rigidity,but in eternal change. The political system is the result of endogenous evolution on the basis of a country’s historical inheritance,cultural traditions and economic and social development. The evaluation of system should stand firm in its own position. To judge whether a political system is a good system,practice is the final judge. Practice standards are embodied in productivity standards,people’s interests standards and social harmony standards. The three standards are internally consistent and jointly represent different aspects of practice. The productivity standard is the concentrated embodiment of practice standard in the field of social history and the fundamental standard to measure the quality of social system;the people’s interests standard is the concentrated embodiment of practical standards in the field of social subjects and is the highest standard to measure the quality of social system;the social harmony standard is a concentrated embodiment of practical standard in social governance efficiency and an important standard of good system. When evaluating the political system,we must adhere to the unity of progress and justice,progress priority to justice,and oppose abstract justice;adhere to the unity of effect and motivation,prioritize effect over motivation,pay attention to subjective expectations,and see the effect as the key;adhere to the unity of overall evaluation and individual evaluation,and the overall standard takes precedence over individual standard and is not influenced by individual opinions;adhere to the unity of China’s position with world vision,and oppose Western centrism.
作者 陈曙光 蒋永发 Chen Shuguang;Jiang Yongfa
出处 《政治学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期151-161,M0009,共12页 CASS Journal of Political Science
关键词 政治制度 制度评价 生产力标准 人民利益标准 社会和谐标准 political system system evaluation productivity standard people’s interests standard social harmony standard
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