
谁对孵化绩效影响更大?城市、孵化器与企业比较 被引量:3

Who has greater impact on the performance of TBIs?——A comparative analysis of cities, incubators and incubating enterprises
摘要 本文从资源基础理论出发,利用2015—2017年的中国33个大中城市857个科技企业孵化器调查数据,基于Fisher判别分析方法比较研究了城市、科技企业孵化器以及在孵企业的资源对孵化绩效的影响。在文献研究基础上,本文确定了反映城市、孵化器、在孵企业资源以及孵化绩效(因变量)的主要指标,并通过检验自变量对孵化绩效的有效解释能力等手段,构建了一般的判别方程,最后对比高中低三种类型结果的判别方程模型,得出城市、科技企业孵化器以及在孵企业的资源对孵化绩效影响的最终强度对比。研究发现:城市、孵化器、在孵企业的资源都对科技企业孵化绩效有正向影响,其中在孵企业的影响最强,孵化器次之,城市对孵化绩效的影响最弱。研究表明:科技企业孵化器有较大的存在价值,科技在孵企业和孵化器两个主体相辅相成,共同推动科技在孵企业发展。城市创新资源对孵化绩效的影响最弱,表明城市宏观因素对于孵化器和在孵企业的影响并不如人们直觉想象的那么强。考虑到本文使用的数据集特点,也表明目前在我国的中大型城市之间创新环境对孵化绩效作用的差距已经出现收敛态势。另外,从具体变量来看,人力资源是最为重要。不论是在孵企业资源,还是在孵化器资源中,人力资源方面的变量都是解释能力最强的指标。孵化器服务人员包括创业导师的数量和质量,在孵企业技术人员的储备都是非常有力的孵化绩效预测指标。 After 30 years of development,especially since Chinese government proposed the"Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation"initiative in 2014,the number of China′s Technology Business Incubators(TBIs)has gained a dramatic growth.In 2017,the total number reached 4,069,making China the largest country in the world with the number of TBIs.Also,China′s TBIs have helped 40,000 technology companies to obtain 194 billion yuan of venture capital.The number of listed incubatees after graduation reached 2,777 which accounts for 1/7 of the listed companies on the GEM,and 1/10 of the listed companies in the New Third Board in 2007.However,the incubator research theory on China′s and global TBIs is still in its youth stage,and academic research lags far behind the practice due to the shortage of data.The performance of TBIs depends on three main factors:the city,the incubator and the incubator.Existing research has the most adequate understanding of the role of incubators in incubation performance,and the importance of physical assets,service capabilities,knowledge reserves,financial support,and social networks has been confirmed.In recent years,studies have begun to focus on the impact of cities on incubation performance,especially the impact of factors such as urbanization,urban wealth,human capital,and technological development on technology business incubators.However,as far as we know,the literature on the effect of incubatees′quality on hatching performance is quite limited.The comparative analysis of the three factors is even rarer.Therefore,this paper hopes to use the latest large-scale statistical data of China′s technology incubator to enrich the incubator research theory and bridge the gap between theory and practice by answering three questions:First,whether cities,incubators and incubators have a positive impact on incubation performance?Second,the impact of the three main factors on the incubation performance is weak and weak?Third,which specific variables have the greatest impact on incubation performance?Through the research in this paper,in addition to supplementing existing theoretical research,it can also provide some reference for the work of policy makers,incubator managers and start-up entrepreneurs.Based on the resource-based theory,this article compares the effects of resources of cities,TBIs and incubatees on incubation performance with the application of the data of 857 TBIs from 33 biggest cities in China from 2015 to 2017.We use Fisher discriminant analysis approach to conduct our research.First,we adopt research variables,both dependent and independent ones,on the basis of the literature research.Second,we test the effective predictive ability of the independent variables and construct the general discriminant equation.Third,we compare the discriminant equation models of the three types of high,medium and low results.Eventually we can obtain the final intensity comparison of the impact of the resources of the city,TBI and incubatees on incubation performance.The study found that the resources of cities,TBIs and incubated enterprises all have positive impacts on the performance of incubation.Among them,the impact of incubated enterprises′resources is the strongest,the TBIs′is second,and the impact of cities′resources on incubation performance is the weakest.The impact of incubated enterprises′resources on incubation performance is the strongest,consistent with the conclusions of the relevant research literature on incubatee selection,which confirms the practical significance and value of the incubator setting in the selection indexes.Meanwhile,this also gives us another inspiration,that is,simply looking at the performance of the TBIs may not accurately reflect the level of their operations.We should consider to introduce some new evaluation methods which can eliminate the impact of incubatees as much as possible.Second,TBIs′resources also have an important influence on incubation performance,and the impact is only slightly lower than the incubatees′.This is consistent with the conclusions of previous large-scale incubator studies which proves the value of TBIs and provides a theoretical basis for incubator managers to improve the TBIs′qualities of physical and consulting services.In addition,the combination of the above two conclusions confirms that the incubator and the incubatee can only achieve better results if they complement and work with each other.Interestingly,the impact of urban innovation resources on incubation performance is the weakest which indicates the impact of urban macro factors on incubators and incubatees is not so strong as people intuitively imagined.Taking into account the data set used in this paper,maybe it also shows that the gap of the innovation environment among China′s largest cities has been converging.Furthermore,from the perspective of specific variables,human resources are the most important.Human resources variables are the most powerful indicators of prediction to incubation performances.Incubator service personnel including the number and quality of entrepreneurial instructors,and the reserves of technicians in the incubatees are very effective indicators of incubation performance.This paper has some policy implications.First TBIs must establish screening and selecting indicators on incubatees.Establishing indicators for incubating enterprises is conducive to optimizing the allocation of resources,avoiding the phenomenon of"bad money drives out good",and promoting the positive interaction and development between enterprises within the incubator.Second,TBIs managers must upgrade the incubators′resources and capabilities.While paying attention to physical assets and hardware configuration,they should pay more attention to the configuration and upgrade of"software"and strengthen the service capabilities of management and service personnel training,entrepreneurial tutors,and external networks.The third is to accumulate the human capital of TBIs and incubatees.It is necessary to establish effective talent introduction,incentive,training and service mechanisms to continuously improve human capital.TBIs should strengthen the training of employees and continuously improve the professional ability and professional level of the employees.
作者 袁祥飞 郭虹程 刘彦平 Yuan Xiangfei;Guo Hongcheng;Liu Yanping(School of Economics and Resource Management,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;Beijing Key Lab of Study on Sci-Tech Strategy for Urban Green Development,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;School of Statistics,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100071,China;National Academy of Economic Strategy,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100028,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期89-97,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目:“创业、创新生态系统构建与城市大众创业、万众创新战略支持体系研究”(16BGL209,2016—2019) 科技部火炬高技术产业开发中心专项基金:“科技创业孵化机构年度统计数据分析”(2018WTY08001,2018—2019)。
关键词 科技企业孵化器 孵化绩效 比较研究 判别分析 technology business incubator incubation performance comparative research discriminant analysis
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