

An Architectural Design of Smart Tourism Platform Based on Blockchain Technology
摘要 旅游业依赖于不同的经营和消费主体互相传递信息,这使得因信息不实、信息被窃等问题引发的投诉层出不穷。区块链技术能够改变信息或数据的存储和使用方式,提高透明度和安全性,进而改善交易和业务生态。针对旅游业的痛点问题,提出了利用区块链技术构建智慧旅游平台的架构设计,对重塑旅游业在线业务信用体系,规范旅游市场秩序,丰富旅游生态具有一定的指导意义。 Tourism relies on different operators and consumers to transmit information to each other,and complaints arise from untruthful information and theft of information.Blockchain technology can change the way information or data is stored and used,improving transparency and security,and thereby improving the transaction and business ecology.As for the problems of tourism industry,an architectural design of smart tourism platform using blockchain technology is proposed,which has certain guiding significance for reshaping the online business credit system of the tourism industry,normalizing the order of the tourism market and enriching the tourismecology.
作者 李航宇 黄志辉 赵飞 孙小军 周军 LI Hangyu;HUANG Zhihui;ZHAOFei;SUN Xiaojun;ZHOU Jun(China UnicomInnovation Institute of Hainan Province,Haikou 570208,China;China United Network Communications Groups Co.,Ltd.of Hainan Province,Haikou 570206,China)
出处 《计算机与网络》 2022年第5期67-71,共5页 Computer & Network
关键词 区块链 智慧旅游 平台 blockchain smart tourism platform
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