《郑人买履》出自《韩非子·外储说左上》。韩非的文章语言幽默,于平实中见奇妙,具有耐人寻味、警策世人的艺术效果。他的很多寓言故事,都成为脍炙人口的成语典故,至今为人们广泛运用。In the State of Zheng,there was a man who wanted to buy a pair of new shoes for himself.Before leaving home,he 1)measured his feet with a 2)rope.When he entered the market,he put his hand into his pocket to find the rope.But he found he didn’t take the rope with him.So he decided to return home to get the rope back.But when he rushed back to the market with the rope,the market had been closed.He got nothing.