
油用牡丹‘凤丹’不同生育期养分吸收和积累规律 被引量:7

Regularity of the adsorption and accumulation of nutrients at different growth stages of Paeonia ostii Feng Dan
摘要 【目的】分析‘凤丹’不同器官中氮、磷、钾元素的含量及积累量的年变化规律,探讨‘凤丹’各器官氮、磷、钾化学计量特征及在各器官中的分配特性,揭示‘凤丹’不同生育期养分吸收和积累规律,以期为油用牡丹合理施肥提供科学依据。【方法】以油用牡丹‘凤丹’为材料,采用刨根法在‘凤丹’不同生育期取样,将植株按根、老茎、嫩茎、叶柄、叶片、果实、花、花蕾、芽等器官分开,并测定各器官氮、磷、钾元素的含量。【结果】‘凤丹’对氮、磷、钾元素的年吸收量分别为4.99、1.11、4.10 g/株,氮、磷、钾吸收量之比约为4.5∶1∶3.7。随生育期延长,氮、磷2种元素在植株各器官中分配比例的变化趋势较为一致。在‘凤丹’中氮、磷元素平均分配比例从高到低的主要分布区域依次为根、果实、叶片,钾元素的平均分配比例从高到低依次为果实、根、嫩茎。现蕾期至大风铃期,植株对氮、磷元素的养分需求量最大;大风铃期至花期,氮、磷元素逐渐在叶片中积累。花期至果实发育期,植株对钾元素的需求量最高;果实发育期至籽粒成熟期,植株地上部与地下部钾元素积累量的比值增加,且果实对钾的需求量最大。在‘凤丹’整个生育期内,植株各器官氮磷比为2.39~11.53,氮钾比为0.35~7.74,钾磷比为0.85~21.02。【结论】影响油用牡丹‘凤丹’生长的主要限制因素是氮,其次是钾;且花期宜重施氮、磷肥;在果实成熟期宜追施氮、磷肥,并重施钾肥,为种子发育提供物质基础。 【Objective】In order to establish a rational fertilization protocol for peony,the annual variation of the contents and accumulation of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in different parts of Paeonia ostii Feng Dan were analyzed,and the stoichiometric characteristics and the distribution of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in each part of the plant were discussed,and the adsorption and accumulation of nutrients at different growth stages of P.ostii Feng Dan were studied.【Method】P.ostii Feng Dan was sampled at different growth stages by the method of root planing,and the plants were divided into root,old stem,young stem,petiole,leaf,fruit,flower,flower bud and bud.The contents of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in each organ were determined.【Result】The annual uptake of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium by P.ostii Feng Dan was 4.99 g/plant,1.11 g/plant and 4.10 g/plant,respectively,and the ratio of the elements absorbed was about 4.5∶1∶3.7.With the extension of growth period,the distribution of nitrogen and phosphorous in different parts of P.ostii Feng Dan presented similar trends.The average values of distribution ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus in P.ostii Feng Dan presented in the order of root>fruit>leaf,meanwhile,the average values of distribution ratio of potassium presented in the order of fruit>root>young stem.From bud stage to initial bloom stage,P.ostii Feng Dan showed maximum amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus adsorption.Meanwhile,nitrogen and phosphorus were gradually accumulated in the leaves from initial bloom stage to blooming period.However,from blooming period to fruiting period,P.ostii Feng Dan showed maximum amounts of potassium adsorption.From fruiting period to seed maturation stage,the ratio of potassium accumulation in aboveground and underground parts of the plant increased,and the demand for potassium in fruit was the highest.During the whole growth stage of P.ostii Feng Dan,the values of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio,nitrogen to potassium ratio and potassium to phosphorus ratio in each part of the plants were 2.39-11.53,0.35-7.74 and 0.85-21.02,respectively.【Conclusion】The main factor inhibiting the growth of P.ostii Feng Dan was nitrogen,followed by potassium.Nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage,and nitrogen,phosphate fertilizer also should be applied at the ripening stage of fruit,especially the application of potassium fertilizer,to provide nutrients for seed development.
作者 姜利 洪娟 陈法志 王素萍 杜雷 张贵友 黄翔 李春萍 张利红 陈钢 JIANG Li;HONG Juan;CHEN Fazhi;WANG Suping;DU Lei;ZHANG Guiyou;HUANG Xiang;LI Chunping;ZHANG Lihong;CHEN Gang(Institute of Environment and Safety,Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China;Institute of Forest and Fruiter,Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China;College of Resources and Environment,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China)
出处 《经济林研究》 北大核心 2022年第1期112-122,共11页 Non-wood Forest Research
基金 湖北省重点研发计划项目(2020BCA059) 湖北省技术创新专项项目(2018ABA073)。
关键词 油用牡丹 发育时期 矿质元素 器官 养分分配 Paeonia suffruticosa growth stage mineral elements organ nutrient distribution
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