
新疆蕴都卡拉金铜钴矿床矿物特征及地质意义 被引量:4

Mineral Characteristics of the Yundukala Au-Cu-Co Deposit and Its Geological Significance,Xinjiang
摘要 蕴都卡拉是准噶尔北缘新发现的大型金铜钴矿,矿化受闪长岩-玄武岩接触带或剪切变形带控制,矿化特征、矿物成分、成矿期次和成因尚未明确。成矿过程可划分为与闪长岩有关的热液期、与剪切变形有关的构造热液期和表生氧化期。前者与金铜钴矿化有关,分为3个成矿阶段:绿泥石-黄铁矿阶段、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(金铜钴主成矿阶段)和石英方解石阶段。与剪切变形有关的构造热液期主要形成金矿。通过矿相学研究、电子探针和扫描电子显微镜(能谱分析)分析表明,与闪长岩有关的热液期金矿物主要为自然金和银金矿,以粒间金和包裹金的显微金形式存在于黄铜矿和辉砷钴矿粒间或辉砷钴矿中,其他载金矿还有闪锌矿。铜矿物主要为黄铜矿,少量黝铜矿、辉铜矿和孔雀石。钴矿物主要为辉砷钴矿,少量斜砷钴矿。银矿物为银金矿和碲银矿。主成矿阶段发现碲化物(碲银矿和碲镍矿),揭示了矿床的形成与幔源有密切关系,成矿物质来自地幔,硫同位素也得到了类似的结论。 Yundukara is a newly discovered large gold copper cobalt deposit in the northern margin of Junggar.Its min-eralization is controlled by diorite basalt contact zone or shear deformation zone.The mineralization characteristics,min-eral composition,metallogenic period and genesis are not clear.Therefore,mineralogical research is carried out in this paper.The metallogenic process is divided into three stages:hydrothermal stage related to diorite,tectonic hydrothermal stage related to shear deformation and supergene oxidation stage.The former is related to gold copper cobalt mineraliza-tion and can be divided into three metallogenic stages:chlorite pyrite stage,quartz polymetallic sulfide stage(main gold copper cobalt metallogenic stage)and quartz calcite stage.Gold deposits were mainly formed in the tectonic hydrother-mal period related to shear deformation.Mineralogical study,electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope(en-ergy spectrum analysis)show that the hydrothermal Au minerals related to diorite are mainly natural gold and silver gold,which exist in chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite intergranular or arsenopyrite in the form of intergranular gold and wrapped gold,and other gold carrying minerals include sphalerite.Cu minerals are mainly chalcopyrite,with a small amount of tetrahedrite,chalcocite and malachite.Co minerals are mainly arsenopyrite and cobaltite,with a small amount of oblique arsenopyrite.AG minerals are silver gold ore and silver tellurite ore.Telluride(silver telluride and nickel tellu-ride)was found in the main metallogenic stage,which reveals that the formation of the deposit is closely related to the mantle source,the metallogenic material comes from the mantle,and a similar conclusion is obtained from sulfur isotope.
作者 张汉清 杨海英 梁平 张艳灵 杨富全 杨成栋 张振龙 李宁 李效壮 Zhang Hanqing;Yang Haiying;Liang Ping;Zhang Yanling;Yang Fuquan;Yang Chengdong;Zhang Zhenlong;Li Ning;Li Xiaozhuang(No.4 Geological Party,Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration and Development,Altay,Xinjiang,836500,China;MNR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment,Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing,100037,China)
出处 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 2022年第1期106-114,共9页 Xinjiang Geology
基金 新疆富蕴县蕴都卡拉一带金铜多金属矿预查项目(A17-3-XJ002) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41972079) 国家重点研发计划“阿尔泰阿舍勒-喀拉通克矿集区深部资源探测技术示范”项目(2018YFC0604002)联合资助。
关键词 新疆准噶尔 蕴都卡拉金铜钴矿 脉状矿化 电子探针分析 扫描电镜-能谱分析 Junggar,Xinjiang Yundukala Au-Cu-Co deposit Vein-type mineralization Electron microprobe analysis Scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer hyphenated techniques(SEM/EDS)
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