

The Process, Incentives and Reference Significance of Nepalese Language Policy Development
摘要 尼泊尔是“一带一路”沿线南亚地区重要国家。在多民族、多语言的复杂语言生态影响下,尼泊尔语言政策演变历经语言政策匮乏期、单一语言政策期和多元语言政策期等阶段,其语言政策发展关键引导因素包括政治革新推动、民族融合需要及教育公平普及。尼泊尔语言政策发展对我国语言政策制定与执行的启示:坚持系统谋划和精准施策原则,全面推进国家通用语言文字普及提升工程;完善我国现有少数民族语言保护和利用法律体系,强化民族地区双语教育;推动我国非通用外语教育改革,加强面向尼泊尔的汉语国际教育。 Nepal is an important country along the‘Belt and Road’in South Asia. Under the influence of the complex language ecology of multi-nationality and multi-language, the evolution of Nepalese language policy has gone through three stages: language policy shortage stage, single language policy stage and multi-language policy stage. The key guiding factors for the development of its language policy include the promotion of political innovation, the need for ethnic integration and the equitable popularization of education. The development of Nepal’s language policy can be used as a reference for the formulation and implementation of language policies in other countries, including China, in the following aspects: adhere to the principles of systematic planning and accurate implementation, and comprehensively promote the popularization and improvement project of the national common language;improve the existing legal system for the protection and utilization of minority languages and strengthen bilingual education in minority areas;promote the reform of China’s non-universal foreign language education and strengthen international Chinese education for Nepal.
作者 贾连庆 JIA Lian-qing(College of Foreign Languages and Literatures,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018,China)
出处 《海南开放大学学报》 2022年第1期73-80,共8页 Journal of Hainan Open University
基金 2020年杭州市哲学社会科学规划课题成果“南亚国家语言政策与我国非通用外语教育规划研究”(项目编号:M20JC055)。
关键词 尼泊尔 语言政策 发展历程 引导因素 启示 Nepal language policy development process guiding factors reference significance
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