

The Research of Prime Farmland Demarcation Based on National Spatial Planning: A Case Study of Luxi County, Hunan Province
摘要 论文以湖南省泸溪县为研究区,在考虑区域社会发展的基础上计算出区域永久基本农田需求面积;结合国土空间规划的相关要求,开展永久基本农田划定的适宜性研究。结果表明,(1)泸溪县人均永久基本农田需求面积2025年为0.037 3公顷、2035年为0.036 8公顷,永久基本农田总面积2025年为11 481.67公顷,2035年为12 116.45公顷;(2)根据国土空间规划和永久基本农田划定要求,可划入永久基本农田的耕地面积为14 651.40公顷;(3)从耕地质量状况、区位条件、空间形态三个方面选取6个评价指标构建适宜度评价体系,对可划入永久基本农田的耕地进行适宜度评价,泸溪县Ⅰ类适宜区面积为8 292.67公顷,占比为56.60%;Ⅱ类适宜区面积为4 969.09公顷,占比为33.92%;Ⅲ类适宜区面积为1 389.64公顷,占比为9.48%。Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类适宜区占比90%以上,面积为13 261.76公顷,可满足2025年、2035年永久基本农田总面积需求。 Taking Luxi County of Hunan Province as the research area, this paper calculates the area of prime farmland demand based on the consideration of regional social development.According to the relevant requirements of national spatial planning,the suitability study of prime farmland demarcation should be carried out. The results showed as follows,(1) the per capita demand area of prime farmland in Luxi County is 0.037 3 hectares in 2025 and 0.036 8 hectares in 2035, the total area of prime farmland is 11 481.67 hectares in 2025 and 12 116.45 hectares in2035;(2) according to the requirements of national spatial planning and permanent prime farmland demarcation, the cultivated land area that can be classified as permanent prime farmland is 14 651.40hectares after removing the map spots with unsuitable factors;(3)from the cultivated land quality condition, geographical conditions,the space form three aspects: the selection of six evaluation index to construct suitability evaluation system, for can be classified as permanent suitability evaluation of arable land basic farmland, Ⅰclass suitable area of 8 292.67 hectares, accounting for 56.60%;Ⅱ class suitable area of 4 969.09 hectares, accounting for33.92%;Ⅲ class suitable area of 1 389.64 hectares, accounting for 9.48%. In general, Ⅰ classes and class Ⅱ suitable distribution is more, more than 90%, covers an area of 13 261.76 hectares,can meet the 2025, 2035 permanent total demand of basic farmland.
作者 李婷婷 刘美玲 冯达 Li Tingting;Liu Meiling;Feng Da(Hunan Branch of Chinese Academy of Surveying&Mapping,Changsha 410000;Hunan Institute of Surveying and Mapping,Changsha 410000;School of Information Engineering,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《国土与自然资源研究》 2022年第3期7-11,共5页 Territory & Natural Resources Study
关键词 永久基本农田 国土空间规划 泸溪县 prime farmland national spatial planning Luxi County
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