

The Historical Interpretation and Practice Research of the Chinese Communist Party’s Centennial Spirit of Struggle
摘要 2021年迎来了中国共产党百年华诞。党的百年征程,是一部从不屈服、不向任何艰难险阻低头妥协、百折不挠的斗争史。敢于斗争、善于斗争是共产党人从胜利走向胜利的内在精神基因。中国共产党作为马克思主义执政党,在马克思主义唯物史观的视域下,社会的基本矛盾是历史前进的根本动力,社会形态的发展和演进在本质上就是主体通过实践对客体进行斗争,而这一过程转换过来就是中国共产党人在革命、建设与改革三个不同时期不断铸就、继承和运用伟大斗争精神。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次提及到伟大斗争精神。恰逢建党百年,迫切需要从百年斗争精神的历史诠释与实践研究中去汲取经验,在面对新提出的“两个大局”,才能做到危机中育新机,变局中开新局,努力将斗争精神运用到新时代伟大实践中去,推动中华民族伟大复兴的辉煌事业。 This year has ushered in the centenary of the Communist Party of China.Looking back on the centenary journey of the party,it is a history of indomitable struggles that never yielded,never bowed to any difficulties or compromises.The Party is gallant in struggling and is good at struggling which constitute its inner spiritual genes and achieved successive victories.As the ruling party of Marxism,the Communist Party of China,from the perspective of Marxist historical materialism,the basic contradiction of society is the fundamental driving force for historical advancement.The development and evolution of social forms are essentially the subject’s struggling against the object in practice.One process of conversion is the practice of the Chinese Communists who constantly forged,inherited,and used the spirit of great struggle during the three different periods of revolution,construction,and reform.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly mentioned the great spirit of struggle,which coincides with the centenary of the founding of the party,and meet the urgent needs of learning experience from the historical interpretation and practical research of the centenary spirit of struggle.“The overall situation”can cultivate new opportunities amidst crises,open new opportunities amidst changes,and strive to apply the spirit of struggle to the great practice of the new era and promote the glorious cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 颜国军 YAN Guojun(School of Marxism,Sichuan Provincial Party School,Chengdu 610031,Sichuan)
出处 《攀枝花学院学报》 2022年第2期79-86,共8页 Journal of Panzhihua University
关键词 中国共产党 百年历程 斗争精神 精神力量 斗争实践 the Communist Party of China centenary history spirit of struggle spiritual strength practice of struggle








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