
双导航模式果园运输机器人设计与试验 被引量:11

Design and Experiment of Dual Navigation Mode Orchard Transport Robot
摘要 为解决果园苹果采后运输设备自主导航模式单一、无法在任意点起步或停车等问题,设计了一种双导航模式小型果园运输机器人,可根据需求选择行人引领导航或定点导航。根据选择的导航模式,采用基于OpenPose人体姿态识别的目标跟踪控制方法或基于RTK-GNSS(Real time kinematic-global navigation satellite system)的距离方向控制方法,实现果园环境下的行人引领导航和定点导航。该运输机器人以额定负载为200 kg、速度为0.5 m/s的条件参数在果园自主作业时,行人引领导航模式下目标跟踪误差平均值小于9 cm,其标准差小于4 cm;定点导航模式下到达目标点的相对误差小于13 cm,其标准差小于1.5 cm,绝对误差小于7 cm,其标准差小于0.5 cm;定点导航模式下机器人急停避障的行驶路径与理想行驶路径间的横向偏差小于56 cm,航向偏差小于8°。试验结果表明,该机器人能满足果园自主运输和安全避障的需求。 To solve the problems of the existing orchard apple post-harvest transportation equipment with a single autonomous navigation mode and the inability to start or stop at any point,a dual navigation mode small orchard transportation robot was developed and designed,whose hardware system mainly included five modules,such as pedestrian led navigation,fixed-point navigation,control,motion and power,and the software system included three modules,such as command interaction layer,information processing layer and execution layer.The user selected the navigation mode under the command interaction layer according to the demand.In the selected navigation mode,the information processing layer processed the target point pose information provided by the pedestrian led navigation or fixed-point navigation module and then used OpenPose human pose recognition-based target tracking control or Real time kinematicglobal navigation satellite system(RTK-GNSS)-based distance-angle control methods to output the next moment of motion velocity information to the execution layer.And then the motion and power module realized the pedestrian led navigation and fixed-point navigation in the orchard environment based on the velocity information.When the transport robot operated in the orchard with a rated load of 200 kg and speed of 0.5 m/s,the average value of target tracking error was less than 9 cm and the standard deviation was less than 4 cm in the pedestrian led navigation mode;the relative error of reaching the target point was less than 13 cm and the standard deviation was less than 1.5 cm in the fixed-point navigation mode,and the absolute error was less than 7 cm and the standard deviation was less than 0.5 cm.The test results showed that the robot can meet the requirements of autonomous transportation and safe obstacle avoidance in orchards.
作者 毛文菊 刘恒 王小乐 杨福增 刘志杰 汪宗阳 MAO Wenju;LIU Heng;WANG Xiaole;YANG Fuzeng;LIU Zhijie;WANG Zongyang(College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;Apple s Full Mechanized Research Base,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;Shanghai Yikun Electric Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200233,China)
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期27-39,49,共14页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 陕西省科技重大专项(2020zdzx03-04-01)。
关键词 果园运输机器人 自主运输 双导航模式 行人引领导航 定点导航 orchard transport robots autonomous transport dual navigation mode pedestrian led navigation fixed-point navigation
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