
美国建设世界科技强国的经验及对我国的启示 被引量:5

Experience and Enlightenment of the US in Building a World Power in Science and Technology
摘要 美国在统一之前便开启了工业化进程,抓住第二次工业革命的机遇实现科技赶超。两次世界大战奠定了其科技强国的地位,冷战促使其成为世界唯一的超级大国,至今科技实力仍保持全球第一。在建设世界科技强国的历程中,美国率先将科学队伍建制化、走军民科技一体化发展道路、高度重视科技人才、打造全球科创中心等,这些做法是其成功的经验,对我国建设世界科技强国同样具有重要的启示意义。 The development course of the United States for more than 200 years can be divided into five stages around the logic of scientific and technological development and rise.They are:starting the process of industrialization,realizing economic catch-up and surpassing in the second industrial revolution,comprehensively catching up and surpassing science and technology in the two world wars,becoming the only superpower in the cold war,and continuously maintaining the first scientific and technological strength in the world.In such a long historical development process,the United States has many classic practices,but the four most important aspects are as follows:first,the establishment of the scientific team,that is,the formation of a complete national innovation system and main body of innovation,the formation of the National Science Foundation,the founding of the national laboratory system,etc.,which are composed of a large scientific research team;second,the integrated development of military and civilian science and technology,that is,on the technology of early military science and technology development,gradually building up the path of military-to-civilian,civil-to-military and dual-use science and technology development,and giving full play to the advantages of high investment and high quality of military science and technology to serve economic and social development;third,attaching great importance to scientific and technological talents,always putting talents in the most important position,and producing a large number of talent teams needed for economic and social development through various ways such as talent introduction or local training and workplace development in different periods;fourth,building a global science and technology innovation center,that is,by opening up the whole R&D chain from scientific discovery to technological invention to commercial application,building a free science and technology innovation ecology,and continuously transforming science and technology innovation capability into economic development power.Summing up the U.S.experience,we believe that the success of the U.S.is attributed to the following factors:first,the creation of a unified domestic market to realize an internal economic circulation;second,economic development before science and technology development,with the economic base to provide support for the development of science and technology;third,be good at seizing the opportunities of the scientific and technological revolution;fourth,always attach importance to human resources,and insist on the introduction of outstanding talents in all periods;fifth,the development of large science to form a complete scientific research system.It is worth noting that the development path of the United States is in line with the characteristics of"economy before science and technology","domestic before international","introduction before local",etc.,and generally shows a development path of"economy-technology-science".The revelations for us are:first,the systematization capability is crucial to realize the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology;second,attaching importance to talents is fundamental to the construction of a strong science and technology nation;third,building a science and technology innovation center is an important push for the development of science and technology innovation;fourth,the improvement of digestion and absorption capability is a sure way to catch up with science and technology.To this end,this paper puts forward relevant suggestions:first,to build a national strategic science and technology force with the national laboratory system as the core;second,to reform the talent introduction and training system and reserve a high-level talent team;third,to promote the civilization of military technology and the integrated development of military and civilian;fourth,to build a science and innovation center and innovation highland to create a new business card for science and technology development.
作者 秦铮 Qin Zheng(Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《创新科技》 2022年第3期81-92,共12页 Innovation science and technology
基金 国家高端智库课题“围绕大国竞争的科技发展研究”(ZXZK202015) “科技强国行动纲领编制思路与重点任务研究”(ZXZK202104)。
关键词 科技强国 工业革命 军民融合 科创中心 国家实验室 战略科技力量 Scientific and Technological Powerhouse industrial revolution civil-military integration science and innovation center national laboratories strategic science and technology forces
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