
基于概率和寿命周期成本的桥梁维护策略研究 被引量:1

Bridge maintenance strategy based on probability and life cycle cost
摘要 目前我国桥梁已逐步迈入新阶段,桥梁的管养和新建同样重要。随着桥梁服役时间的增加,桥梁结构的性能在逐渐衰退,有关桥梁管养的投资还不能够达到实际需求。概率指标有两个含义,它是结构维修的质量指标,也是此次维修的费用限制,协调好近期投入和长期效益的关系,依赖于合理的维修可靠度选取,以达到既经济又有效的目的。基于概率和寿命周期成本研究了桥梁维护策略,以期减少养护投资,提高桥梁结构的相关性能。类似桥梁结构的管养也可采取本文提出的维修优化模型。 The bridge in our country has gradually stepped into a new stage of bridge construction and management and maintenance.With the increase of service time of bridge,the performance of bridge gradually deteriorates.Due to financial constraints,the funds that can be invested in bridge management and maintenance are far from meeting the needs.In this paper,the maintenance strategy based on probability and life cycle cost is studied in order to reduce the maintenance cost and improve the performance of the bridge.Probability index not only represents the quality index of structural maintenance,but also represents the cost limit of this maintenance.Choosing appropriate maintenance reliability can make the short-term investment and long-term benefit get the best coordination,so as to achieve the economic and effective purpose.The framework model of maintenance optimization strategy in this paper can be used for maintenance management of similar bridge structures.
作者 曾勇 王羽潇 谭红梅 ZENG Yong;WANG Yu-xiao;TAN Hong-mei(State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge&Tunnel Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China;Center for Mountain Bridge&Materials Engineering Research,Ministry of Education,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China)
出处 《河南城建学院学报》 2022年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478071) 山区桥梁与隧道工程国家重点实验室培育基地开放基金(CQSLBF-Y14-3,CQSLBF-Y16-10) 重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持基金(cx2018113)。
关键词 概率 寿命周期成本 退化 维修策略 优化 probability life cycle generation degradation maintenance strategy optimization
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