
间苯三酚在宫颈原因导致产程异常中的助产效果及价值 被引量:2

The Midwifery Effect and Clinical Value of Phloroglucinol in Abnormal Labor Caused by Cervix
摘要 目的 探讨宫颈原因导致产程异常实施间苯三酚助产的效果及临床价值。方法 研究样本选取为医院2020年1月—2021年1月收治的宫颈原因导致产程异常产妇60例。利用整群随机化分组法将其等分为科研组、常态组,其中常态组30例产妇实施宫颈封闭治疗,科研组30例产妇静脉注射间苯三酚治疗。对比分析两组分娩方式、宫口扩张速度、产程时间、并发症、新生儿情况。结果 科研组自然分娩率高于常态组,剖宫产率低于常态组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);科研组产妇潜伏期、活跃期、第二产程时间均短于常态组,宫口扩张速度高于常态组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);科研组产后出血、宫颈裂伤、新生儿窒息发生率均低于常态组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);科研组产妇产后6 h出血量、产中出血量较常态组更低,而科研组新生儿Apgar评分高于常态组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 宫颈原因导致产程异常实施间苯三酚助产能够提高自然分娩率,缩短产程时间,促进宫口扩张,降低产后出血、宫颈裂伤、新生儿窒息发生率,值得推广。 Objective To explore the effect and clinical value of phloroglucinol midwifery for abnormal labor process caused by cervical reasons. Methods A total of 60 cases of abnormal labor caused by cervix in our hospital from January 2020 to January 2021 were selected. They were equally divided into research group and normal group by cluster randomization. 30 cases in normal group were given cervical block therapy, and 30 cases in research group were given phloroglucinol by intravenous injection. The mode of delivery, the rate of dilatation of uterine orifice, the time of labor, complications and the situation of newborn were compared between the two groups. Results The rate of natural childbirth in the scientific research group was higher than that of the normal group, and the rate of cesarean section was lower than that of the normal group, the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.05);the incubation period, active period, and second labor time of the scientific group were shorter than those of the normal group, and the rate of uterine orifice expansion was higher than that of the normal group, the difference was statistically significant(P <0.05);the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, cervical laceration,and neonatal asphyxia in the scientific research group was lower than that of the normal group, the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.05);the six-hour postpartum hemorrhage and intrapartum hemorrhage in the scientific research group were lower than those in the normal group. The Apgar score of newborns in the scientific research group was higher than that in the normal group, the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.05). Conclusion The application of phloroglucinol midwifery can improve the natural delivery rate, shorten the labor process time, promote the expansion of uterine orifice, reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, cervical laceration and neonatal asphyxia, which is worthy of promotion.
作者 梁妙兰 LIANG Miaolan(Department of Obstetrics,Luoding Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Luoding Guangdong 527200,China)
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2022年第5期99-102,共4页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 宫颈 产程异常 间苯三酚 助产 疗效 APGAR评分 cervix abnormal labor process phloroglucinol midwifery curative effect Apgar score
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