经过近10年的快速发展,新疆煤层气勘查开发取得较大突破,适用新疆地质特点的煤层气勘查开发理论和钻压排工艺技术体系进一步明确和完善,建成了多个煤层气地面开发先导试验工程,实现了小规模商业开发利用。从资源量潜力、产气效果、市场需求等几方面分析,新疆煤层气开发利用具有以下优势:一是煤层气资源丰富,约占全国煤层气资源总量的25.0%;二是煤层气勘查与开发中涌现了一批高产井,证实了新疆煤层气的开采价值;三是新疆作为我国重要的能源基地和陆上能源大通道,煤层气开发利用不仅可以补充新疆内外日益增大的天然气供需缺口,助力碳达峰碳中和目标的实现,还可以从根本上保障煤矿安全生产。为了促进新疆煤层气产业发展,主要从政策需求、矿权设置、效益开发、勘查开发投入及资金来源等方面分析其对新疆煤层气的制约并提出了创新政策支持机制和方式、以煤炭最低开采高程为界解决矿权重叠、攻克高效规模开发技术、设立煤层气专项基金和鼓励多元化资本进入煤层气勘查开发领域等对策建议。最后,提出了“十四五”期间新疆煤层气发展思路建议:1 500 m以浅区域是重点勘查和产能建设区域,1 500 m以深区域积极开展研究探索和先导试验,指出了准噶尔盆地南缘、塔里木盆地北缘是新疆煤层气重点勘探开发区域,并从地质理论体系、高效规模开发工艺技术体系、煤系三气共采等方面提出了实现新疆煤层气规模开发需重点攻关的技术方向。
After nearly 10 years of rapid development, great breakthroughs have been made in the exploration and development of coalbed methane(CBM) in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The theory and drilling pressure drainage technology system of CBM exploration and development applicable to the geological characteristics of Xinjiang have been further clarified and improved, and a number of pilot test projects for ground CBM development have been built, realizing small-scale commercial development and utilization. On the basis of the analysis of resource potential, gas production effect and market demand, the development and utilization of CBM in Xinjiang has the following advantages. First, it is rich in CBM resources, accounting for about 25.0% of the total resources in China. Second, a number of high-yield wells have emerged in CBM exploration and development, which has confirmed the value of CBM exploitation in Xinjiang. Third, Xinjiang serves as an important energy base and overland energy channel in China, where CBM development and utilization can not only supplement the increasing gap between supply and demand of natural gas inside and outside the region, help achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, but also fundamentally ensure the safe production of coal mines. In order to promote the development of the CBM industry in Xinjiang, the authors mainly analyze the constraints on CBM in terms of policy demand, mining right setting, benefit development, exploration and development investment, and capital sources, and put forward innovative policy support mechanisms and methods. Such suggestions as solving the overlapping of mining rights with the lowest mining elevation of coal, overcoming technical difficulties for high-efficiency large-scale development, setting up a special fund for CBM, and encouraging diversified capital to enter the field of CBM exploration and development are proposed. Finally, some suggestions on the CBM development in Xinjiang during the 14th Five Year Plan period are put forward as follows. The shallow area of 1 500 m is the key area for exploration and productivity construction, and the deeper than 1 500 m area for research, exploration and pilot test. It is pointed out that the southern edge of the Junggar Basin and the northern edge of the Tarim Basin are the key areas for CBM exploration and development in Xinjiang. From the aspects of geological theory system, high-efficiency development process and technology system and co-mining of three coal measures, this paper puts forward the key technical direction to realize the large-scale CBM development in Xinjiang.
LI Ruiming;ZHOU Zixin(Xinjiang Coal Field Geology Bureau,Urumqi 830091,China)
Coal Geology & Exploration
Xinjiang coalbed methane
situation analysis
development direction
policy need
benefit development