
南海东部古河道卡钻分析及防卡技术 被引量:1

Analysis of sticking and Anti-sticking Technology of palaeochannel in Eastern South China Sea
摘要 近年来,国内海洋石油勘探力度加大,一些新区块的勘探布井数量也随之增加,古河道卡钻在南海东部部分新区块发生次数也有所增加,已造成多起钻具损失或井眼报废。鉴于每一种情况的卡钻都有不同的特点,故需对卡钻情况进行一一分析,以发展为最佳的控制技术。文中简单分析了古河道形成机理和对海上钻井平台的影响危害,通过对南海东部海域近几年间所钻遇的古河道的实践经验和科研成果进行归纳,总结出南海东部海域古河道钻井技术的特点,探讨适合南海东部海域古河道钻井技术。 Recent years,domestic offshore oil exploration efforts have been intensified,and the number of exploration well distribution in some new blocks has also increased.The occurrence of palaeochannel sticking in some new blocks in the eastern South China sea has also increased,which has resulted in many drilling tool losses or borehole abandonment.In view of the different characteristics of the sticking in each case,it is necessary to analyze the sticking one by one to develop the best control technology.In this paper,a simple analysis of the formation mechanism of the palaeochannel and impact on offshore drilling platform,Based on the experience and scientific research results of palaeochannel drilling in the eastern South China sea in recent years,the characteristics of palaeochannel drilling technology in this block are summarized,and the suitable drilling technology for palaeochannel in the eastern South China sea is discussed.
作者 殷水平 Yin Shuiping(Cosl Technological Research Institute Zhanjiang China,Guangdong 524057)
出处 《石化技术》 CAS 2022年第2期171-173,共3页 Petrochemical Industry Technology
关键词 南海东部 勘探 新区块 古河道卡钻 the eastern South China sea Exploration new block Stuck in palaeochannel
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