
地膜残留对设施番茄生长及果实品质的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Plastic Film Residues on Soil Moisture and Growth Characteristics of Protected Tomatoes
摘要 为了探究地膜残留对番茄生长的影响,通过设置8个残膜量处理(0、200、400、600、800、1200、1600、2000 kg/hm^(2)),分析土壤含水率、番茄生长指标、果实品质的变化。结果表明:残膜量的增加可致使土壤含水率分布不均匀,随着残膜量的增加30 cm以下土层含水率显著降低。当残膜量增加为2000 kg/hm^(2)时,茎粗与成熟期根茎比随着残膜量增加而波动降低,株高变化趋势保持稳定,无较大波动,产量下降18.59%。残膜量的增加,有助于果实品质的提高,当残膜量处于600~1200 kg/hm^(2)范围时,番茄Vc含量、可溶性糖含量分别升高81.47%、18.30%,有机酸含量降低28.57%。为了综合评价残膜带来的正负效应,利用主成分分析法对生长、品质指标进行综合评价可知番茄生长及果实品质综合得分会随着残膜量的增加先降低后增加,残膜量为200 kg/hm^(2)时,番茄生长及品质指标综合得分最高。大量地膜残留对番茄生长产生明显影响,但在一定范围内会提升果实品质,因此将残膜量控制在特定阈值内,可减轻残膜对设施番茄造成的危害。 In order to explore the influence of mulching film residue on tomato growth,in the experiment,8 residual film treatments(0 kg hm^(2),200 kg/hm^(2),400 kg/hm^(2),600 kg/hm^(2),800 kg/hm^(2),1200 kg/hm^(2),1600 kg/hm^(2),2000 kg/hm^(2))were set to analyze the changes of soil moisture content,tomato growth indicators,and fruit quality.The results showed that the increase in residual film amount could cause uneven distribution of soil moisture content.With the increase of residual film amount,the soil moisture content of soil layers below 30 cm decreased significantly.When the residual film amount was 2000 kg/hm^(2),the ratio of stem thickness at mature period decreased with the increase of residual film amount,the change trend of plant height remained stable,and the yield decreased by 18.59% compared with T1 treatment.The increase of residual film amount was helpful for the improvement of fruit quality.When the residual film amount was 600~800 kg/hm^(2),the Vc content and soluble sugar content of tomato increased by 85.55% and 21.05%,respectively,and the organic acid content decreased by 28.6% compared with T1 treatment.In order to comprehensively evaluate the positive and negative effects of residual film,the principal component analysis method was used to comprehensively evaluate the growth and quality indicators.The results demonstrated that the comprehensive score of tomato growth and fruit quality decreased and then increased with the increase of residual film amount.When the residual film amount reached 1200 kg/hm^(2),the comprehensive score of tomato growth and quality index was the highest.A large amount of plastic film residue had a significant effect on tomato growth,but could improve fruit quality in a certain range.Therefore,controlling the residual film amount within a specific threshold could reduce the damage caused by residual film to facility tomato.
作者 李卓然 马娟娟 郑利剑 郭向红 杨彩霞 陈金平 LI Zhuo-ran;MA Juan-juan;ZHENG Li-jian;GUO Xiang-hong;YANG Cai-xia;CHEN Jin-ping(College of Water Resources Science and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;Henan Shangqiu National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station of Farmland Ecosystem,Shangqiu 476000,Henan Province,China)
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2022年第4期65-70,76,共7页 Water Saving Irrigation
基金 山西省重点研发计划重点项目(201903D211011) 河南商丘农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站开放基金项目(FIRI202004-0102)。
关键词 地膜残留 土壤含水率 番茄 生长特性 品质 film residue soil moisture content tomato growth characteristics quality
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