

A Study on the Rise and Fall of the Dagao Style in the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties
摘要 苏绰、宇文泰在西魏大统年间奏行《大诰》,模仿《尚书》文体改革官文书,试图改造秦汉以来突显皇帝权威的“王言”传统,利用上古文体与文风侵夺王言威权,实践宇文泰霸府权力话语的构建。宇文护全面继承了宇文泰的权位,也延续了霸府的政治修辞,明帝因而下决心改天王称皇帝,同时废止“大诰体”,恢复秦汉以来皇帝命令文书的传统,力图在文化象征层面突出君主的威望。西魏北周长期存在的帝室与霸府权力之争,既催生了“大诰体”,也最终将其埋葬。在“大诰体”之外,关中文坛另有一支文学潜流,继承了北魏洛阳时代文学传统,并为明帝所汲用。 In the Datong(大统)Period during the reign of the Emperor Wenzhao of the Western Wei Dynasty(魏文昭帝),Su Chuo(苏绰)and Yuwen Tai(宇文泰)presented memorials to the throne,proposing to practise the Dagao Style(大诰体),and reform the format of official documentation by imitating this writing style inherited from the Book of Documents(《尚书》),in an attempt to transform the tradition that“the Emperor had the final say(王言)”and his imperial authority was highlighted since the Qin and Han Dynasties,and to deprive the Emperor of the power of his words by using the ancient documentation format and writing style,and to realize the construction of the power discourse by Yuwen Tai as a regional prince.Yuwen Hu(宇文护)inherited Yuwen Tai’s power and position in an all-round way,and extended his political rhetoric of a regional prince,conveying political threat to the Emperor Ming(明帝)of the Western Wei Dynasty.Therefore,the Emperor Ming made up his mind to highlight the prestige of the monarch at the level of cultural symbol by renaming the Heavenly King as“Emperor”,abolishing the Dagao Style and restoring the tradition of imperial edicts since the Qin and Han dynasties.The lasting struggle between the royal family and the regional princes for power during the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties,not only promoted the birth of the Dagao Style,but also ultimately led to its death.Besides the Dagao Style,there existed another literary undercurrent in the literary circles of Central Shaanxi(关中),which inherited the literary tradition of the Luoyang(洛阳)Era of the Northern Wei Dynasty and was more appealing to the Emperor Ming.
作者 庄芸 Zhuang Yun(School of Liberal Arts,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期132-141,共10页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“北朝后期的高门重建与文学复兴研究”(项目编号:21CZW018)。
关键词 西魏北周文学 “大诰体” 复古文学 文学潜流 literature of the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties Dagao Style(大诰体) ancientry-restoring literature literary undercurrent
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