For more than a decade,a wide range of Spanish case studies,relating especially to rural inner or abandoned sites and areas,have been analysed by the authors as part of diferent research projects linked with traditional and monumen‑tal architecture,conservation strategies and earthen buildings.On one hand the studies have been undertaken in the framework of a project concerning the conservation of rammed earth in the Iberian Peninsula,including criteria,techniques,results and perspectives and,on the other,by a project about the conservation and rehabilitation of tradi‑tional earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula,providing guidelines and tools for its sustainable intervention.In all cases the researchers’eforts focused on enhancing new perspectives and opportunities for rural earthen buildings,analysing landscapes,contexts,constructive features,decay and problems.The fnal common aim of this research is to stress these crucial topics to improve tangible or intangible opportunities for conservation strategies.
The research project ResTAPIA‘The conservation of rammed earth in the Iberian Peninsula.Criteria,techniques,results and perspectives’(Ref.:BIA 2010-18921)
funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.The research project SOStierra‘Restoration and rehabilitation of traditional earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula.Guidelines and tools for a sustainable intervention’(Ref.:BIA2014-55924-R)
funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.The research project RISK-Terra‘Earthen architecture in the Iberian Peninsula:study of natural,social and anthropic risks and strategies to improve resilience’(Ref.:RTI2018-095302-B-I00)
funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.