In his book Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of German Classical Philosophy,Engels highlighted two texts,“Old Manuscripts of 1845-1846”and“Eleven Outlines on Feuerbach”.As the foundation works of Marxist philosophy,these two articles comprehensively discussed that“practice”is preexisting and fundamental to ideas,and carried it through the whole philosophy system,forming a new world view and methodology which is different from that of all the previous old philosophy,and therefore achieved a great revolution in the history of philosophy.In On Feuerbach,Engels demonstrated the principles of Marxist philosophy with scientific view of practice—“Revolutionary Practice:out of the Internality of Old Philosophy”,“Dialectical Practice:Methodology to Respond to the Basic Problems of Philosophy”,“Perceptual Practice:the Criticism of Feuerbach's Idealistic Historical View”,“Historical Practice:Revealing the Regularity of Human Social Development”.In Engels'analysis and criticism process of old philosophy,some methodological principles of creation and innovation of Marxist philosophy as a theory can be drawn,that is,the procedural,historic,critical principle as well as the popular principle.
TAO Ting-chang(School of Marxism,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition)