为解决综掘工作面粉尘污染问题,获得长压通风分风控尘与短抽除尘的匹配关系,以及合理的控除尘工艺参数,以红柳林煤矿3^(-1)煤回风巷为研究对象,通过建立工作面物理模型,采用数值模拟的方法,对比分析了不同轴径向出风比及不同轴径向出风距离耦合作用下综掘面除尘效果,结合现场实测进行验证,得出最佳的控除尘工艺参数。结果表明,轴向出风距离6 m、径向出风距离15~20 m,轴径向出风比在1∶2~1∶4时,司机位置呼吸性粉尘可控制在20.3 mg/m^(3)以内,降尘效率提升到91.6%以上。
This paper is focused on a study in response to the dust pollution in the comprehensive excavation face.In order to obtain the matching relationship between the long forced ventilation and the short dust removal sucking,and the right technological parameters of control dust and removal dust,the study involves taking the 3^(-1) coal return air roadway in Hongliulin Coal Mine as the research object,building working face physical model and adopting numerical simulation method to compare and analyse the dedusting effect of the comprehensive excavation working face under the coupling action of ratio and distance from different axial and radial wind.The optimum parameters of dust control process are obtained by verifying the field measurement.The results show that the dust removal efficiency can be improved over 91.6%on conditions of the axial air outlet distance of 6m,the radial air outlet distance of 15--20 m,the axial diameter air outlet ratio 1∶2-1∶4,and the respirable dust at the driver′s position within 20.3 mg/m^(3) limited.
Yang Junlei(China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute, Chongqing 400037, China)
Journal of Heilongjiang University of Science And Technology
comprehensive excavation working face
air flow separation control dust
the ratio of the axial and radial air
distance of axial and radial wind