Traditional research on “pork barrel”politics ignores national institutions’ inherent ideological influence.A country’s security policy reflects the coordinated interests and ideologies of different departments and institutions. In the process of interest transmission,the interests of the advocacy coalitions of space business, defense,and space science are conveyed through political lobbying and electoral politics to various national institutions,including the US Armed Forces,the National Reconnaissance Office,the National Aeronautics,the Space Administration,and the Congress. Under the influence of departmental interests and ideology,these national institutions then spread their demands,through decision-making consultation,to the top decision-making advisory bodies such as the National Security Council,the National Space Council,the National Science,and the Technology Council.This chain of transmission of space-related interests has caused the Strategic Defense Initiative to deviate gradually from its intended track,and therefore,the outcomes of the program might not be optimistic.
The Journal of International Studies