
“殷商文化研究现状与未来发展”研讨会(笔谈) 被引量:1

Seminar on Current Situation and Future Development of Yin-Shang Culture Research(Written Communication)
摘要 主持人语:传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化,深度挖掘传统文化中蕴藏的民族精神、中国思想、中国价值、中国制度、中国智慧是新时代坚定中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信、历史自信,在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导下建设中国特色社会主义现代化强国的重要课题之一。殷商文化起源于河南,深入挖掘和传承殷商时期中华民族的思想和智慧、精神和品格,河南责无旁贷。为此,本期邀请国内殷商文化研究领域的知名专家学者以“殷商文化研究现状与未来发展”为题举行座谈研讨,选取部分发言形成以下笔谈。在中原学的视界,如何打造殷商学?中国社会科学院宋镇豪先生对于提出殷商学研究进行了回应,并在《关于殷商文化研究的几点意见》一文中,对进一步深化殷商学研究问题从机构设置、政策扶持、人才引进等方面提出了具体意见;郑州大学李运富院长的《“殷商文化研究”二题》一文,从如何完善殷商文化研究基础与探寻殷商文化渊源两个方面对未来殷商文化研究提出了具体建议;河南大学曹建墩教授的《殷商文化研究的几个维度》一文,从文化价值的维度、常量与变量的问题、空间的维度等三个方面对未来殷商文化的研究提出了构想;河南师范大学李雪山教授的《甲骨学研究的新趋势--商代甲骨非文字资料的研究》一文,从甲骨非文字资料研究的含义、甲骨非文字资料研究提出的依据、商代甲骨非文字资料研究可能突破的空间以及甲骨非文字资料研究的学术价值、应用价值与社会意义四个方面对甲骨非文字资料研究问题提出了思考;安阳师范学院郭旭东教授的《深化甲骨文字研究推动冷门绝学发展》一文,从甲骨文字发现以来所取得的研究成就与未来的主要任务两个方面对甲骨文字未来研究提出建议。我们期待以“殷商学”的提出和打造,来实现中原学研究在2022年的“开门红”。 Moderator’s notes: Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, one of the major tasks in building a great modern socialist country is to carryforward and promote traditional culture, exploring the national spirit, Chinese philosophy and wisdom containedin it, and remain firmly confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics in the new era. The Yin-Shang culture originated in Henan, and it is the responsibility of Henanscholars to explore and carry forward the spirit and wisdom of the Chinese nation during that period. To thisend, experts and scholars in this field well-known in China have been invited to attend this seminar on currentsituation and future development of Yin-Shang culture and some of their presentations have been selected asfollows:Song Zhenhao, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, puts forward specific opinions on thefurther improvement of the organization and integration of oracle bone documents from the aspects ofinstitutional setup, policy support, and talent introduction in his essay Some Comments on the HolographicArrangement of Oracle Bone Inscriptions. Professor Li Yunfu of Zhengzhou University puts forward specificsuggestions for future research on Yin-Shang culture from two aspects: ways to improve the researchfoundation and explore the origin of Yin-Shang culture in his essay, Two Issues on Yin-Shang CultureResearch. Professor Cao Jiandun of Henan University, puts forward suggestions for future research from threeaspects: the cultural value, the constants and variables, and the spatial dimension in his essay, SeveralDimensions of Yin-Shang Culture Research. Professor Li Xueshan of Henan Normal University shares histhinking on the research of oracle bone non-literary data in his essay New Trends in Oracle Bone Research-Research on Non-literary Materials of Oracle Bone in Shang Dynasty, from four aspects: the significance of theresearch on the non-literal materials, the rationale of such researches, potential breakthroughs, its academic andapplication value. Professor Guo Xudong of Anyang Normal University puts forward his suggestions on the futureresearch of oracle bone script from two aspects: the achievements already made since the discovery of oraclebone script and the major tasks in the future in his essay, Deepening the Study of Oracle Bone Script andPromoting the Development of Unpopular Learning.
作者 宋镇豪 李雪山 李运富 曹建墩 郭旭东 Song Zhenhao;Li Xueshan;Li Yunfu;Cao Jiandun;Guo Xudong
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期29-42,共14页 Henan Social Sciences
关键词 优秀传统文化 殷商文化 甲骨文 文化自信 Excellent Traditional Culture Yin-Shang Culture Oracle Cultural Confidence
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