

Damage and remodeling of stereopsis caused by anisometropia
摘要 立体视是双眼视功能的最高级形式,其形成机制复杂。而屈光参差是损害立体视的常见因素,在光学因素方面,屈光参差易增加双眼视差,导致弱视;在非光学因素方面,视网膜上感光细胞的分布以及视皮质神经元的功能均受到屈光参差的潜在影响。这些改变共同调控着大脑视皮质功能的发育,并进一步损害立体视。在进行光学矫正后,通过调节神经元的活动来提高大脑皮质可塑性,是立体视重塑的关键。 Stereopsis is the most advanced form of binocular vision,and its formation mechanism is complicated.Anisometropia is a common cause that damages stereo vision.In terms of optical factors,anisometropia can easily increase binocular parallax and lead to amblyopia.In terms of non-optical factors,the distribution of photoreceptor cells in the retina and the function of neurons in the visual cortex are both potentially affected by anisometropia.Together,these changes affect the development of the brain's visual cortex and further impair stereo vision.The key to stereoscopic remodeling is to regulate the activity of neurons to improve the plasticity of cerebral cortex after optical correction.
作者 唐梨 张黎 Tang Li;Zhang Li(Chongqing Medical University,Department of Ophthalmology,Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology,Chongqing Institute of Ophthalmology,Chongqing 400016,China)
机构地区 重庆医科大学
出处 《国际眼科纵览》 2022年第1期71-75,共5页 International Review of Ophthalmology
关键词 立体视 屈光参差 不等像 视皮质可塑性 stereopsis anisometropia aniseikonia visual cortex plasticity
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